Non functional, had to disable
Friendlyhealer opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:
The auctionator addon just isnt working.
Brief Description of Bug
Tries to scan, takes 5 minutes to scan 5 pages, then when you go to buy, times out.
Please include a brief description of the bug, including what you were doing, and when it occurred.
I was trying to use auctionator addon to list auctions.
Steps to Reproduce
Benediction, Faerlina, Grobbulus, try to use the addon.
Include the steps I would need to follow to reproduce the bug.
See above.
the only way I can actually post auctions efficiently is to disable the addon
It should only scan 1 page per-item on the latest version https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/auctionator/files/3973626 (as that's all that's needed for an addon to get the lowest price)
yea sometimes though when you try and post it just doesnt post or times out, takes multiple times to try and post sometimes for auctions, when it goes through it lists them quickly just extremely slow