


Conflict between Auctionator and Can I Mog It?

Kurisu68 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Greetings! On their own, no conflict or noticeable issues with either Can I mog it or Auctionator. When only those two are loaded (no other addons), I get the following (have also opened a ticket for this to Can I Mog It):

Message: Interface/AddOns/CanIMogIt/Plugins/auctionator.lua:75: attempt to index field 'ScrollFrame' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Nov 8 22:44:58 2022
Count: 27
Stack: Interface/AddOns/CanIMogIt/Plugins/auctionator.lua:75: attempt to index field 'ScrollFrame' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/CanIMogIt/Plugins/auctionator.lua"]:75: in function <Interface/AddOns/CanIMogIt/Plugins/auctionator.lua:72>

Locals: (*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ScrollFrame' (a nil value)"


This is an issue that needs fixing in Can I Mog It. This change will fix CIMI (give it to whoever manages the addon and they'll be able to add it):

diff --git a/Plugins/auctionator.lua b/Plugins/auctionator.lua
index 6e9a45c..3fe1988 100644
--- a/Plugins/auctionator.lua
+++ b/Plugins/auctionator.lua
@@ -65,69 +65,29 @@ if IsAddOnLoaded("Auctionator") then
-    ------------------------
-    -- Function hooks     --
-    ------------------------
-    function AuctionatorFrame_CIMIOnValueChanged()
-        -- Some other addons *coughTSMcough* prevent this frame from loading.
-        if _G["AuctionatorShoppingFrame"] == nil then return end
-        local buttons = _G["AuctionatorShoppingFrame"].ResultsListing.ScrollFrame.buttons
-        if buttons == nil then
-            return
-        end
-        for i, button in pairs(buttons) do
-            -- This has a timer because it seems to have a race condition with the updating
-            -- scroll frames.
-            C_Timer.After(.1, function() AuctionatorFrame_CIMIUpdateIcon(button.CanIMogItOverlay) end)
-        end
-    end
     -- Begin adding to frames --
-    local function HookOverlayAuctionator(event)
-        if event ~= "AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW" then return end
+    local function HookOverlayAuctionator(event, ...)
+        local panelType = ...
+        if event ~= "PLAYER_INTERACTION_MANAGER_FRAME_SHOW" or panelType ~= Enum.PlayerInteractionType.Auctioneer then return end
         -- Some other addons *coughTSMcough* prevent this frame from loading.
         if _G["AuctionatorShoppingFrame"] == nil then return end
-        -- Add hook for the Auction House frames.
-        local buttons = _G["AuctionatorShoppingFrame"].ResultsListing.ScrollFrame.buttons
-        if buttons == nil then
-            return
-        end
-        for i, button in pairs(buttons) do
-            local frame = button
-            frame.CIMI_index = i
-            if frame then
-                CIMI_AddToFrame(frame, AuctionatorFrame_CIMIUpdateIcon, "AuctionatorShoppingList"..i, "AUCTIONATOR")
-            end
-        end
-        local scrollBar = _G["AuctionatorShoppingFrame"].ResultsListing.ScrollFrame.scrollBar
-        scrollBar:HookScript("OnValueChanged", AuctionatorFrame_CIMIOnValueChanged)
-        -- This GetChildren returns an _unpacked_ value for some reason, so we have to pack it in a table.
-        local headers = {AuctionatorShoppingFrame.ResultsListing.HeaderContainer:GetChildren()}
-        for i, header in ipairs(headers) do
-            header:HookScript("OnClick", AuctionatorFrame_CIMIOnValueChanged)
-        end
+        local index = 0
+        AuctionatorShoppingFrame.ResultsListing.ScrollArea.ScrollBox:GetView():RegisterCallback(ScrollBoxListViewMixin.Event.OnAcquiredFrame, function(_, frame, elementData, new)
+          if new then
+            index = index + 1
+            CIMI_AddToFrame(frame, function() end, "AuctionatorShoppingList"..index, "AUCTIONATOR")
+            hooksecurefunc(frame, "Populate", function(frame)
+              AuctionatorFrame_CIMIUpdateIcon(frame.CanIMogItOverlay)
+            end)
+          end
+        end)
-    ------------------------
-    -- Event functions    --
-    ------------------------
-    local function AuctionatorUpdateEvents(event, ...)
-        if event ~= "AUCTION_HOUSE_NEW_RESULTS_RECEIVED" then return end
-        C_Timer.After(.1, AuctionatorFrame_CIMIOnValueChanged)
-    end
-    CanIMogIt.frame:AddEventFunction(AuctionatorUpdateEvents)
diff --git a/options.lua b/options.lua
index ac94582..7180554 100644
--- a/options.lua
+++ b/options.lua
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ local EVENTS = {

Thanks for the reply! I've posted on their page along with the link here. I greatly appreciate your time and assistance!