


Items dissapear on selling and not appear in the Auction

io-sar opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Brief Description of Bug

Every item that I tried to sell today (14/12/2022 CET, 00:00 AM) When I pressed sell they removed from my bag but didnt reach the auction house (cant be seen in the auction)

Steps to Reproduce

Any item sold from the Reagent bag (not sure if it matters)

Loaded Addons

Auctionator, Coordinates, Details!, Pawn, Rarescanner, DBM


This probably isn't an Auctionator bug, and is a Blizzard bug instead - as the items disappeared from the bag. If the post had failed without the items disappearing then it would probably be an Auctionator bug.


Hi, when I added the items from the blizzard ui it worked. Later I recieved gold from the sell so it seems the auctionator wasnt showing the items :/


Due to not being able to replicate the bug, and the user finding a resolution, closing this.