Feature Request: Delete historic scan data
Rezy942 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Im not sure if this feature is already available (without going into your folder and start deleting certain files)
I want to delete all scan data that exists WITHOUT deleting any settings. Absolutely nothing gets deleted EXCEPT price history.
Is that already possible?
If not, is it possible to add this as a button? Maybe close to "scan" button in AH?
You can run these commands to reset the database and leave the prices enabled for the next scan
/atr nopricedb
/atr config no_price_database
Thank you!
Would you consider adding this as a button somewhere in the UI or options?
Macro works but its always nice to not have to google for a solution.
I had many cases so far where I needed a reset of Auctionator (and some other addons) but deleting variables files completely erases your settings and shopping lists... very annoying.