Shopping List Saving
kbachnik opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hi, ran into a problem. When I import New Shopping List and save it, it gets deleted on re-entry. Even when I just reload the interface it gets deleted. No matter how many new imported or just new sheets I create they all get deleted
Can you install BugSack and BugGrabber and report any errors they show when the list is created, and when you reload?
So I've created list "10.1 BOE+Recepies"
Than i use /reloadui
Heres what i import
But I don't think it's because of what I'm importing. If I manually fill out the list the problem persists and it deletes when I restart the interface. And no matter how many lists create, all new lists are deleted
Thanks for the bug report. I've found the error, its now fixed in the latest alpha, available here, or from Curseforge/Wago when it finishes processing: