


Auctionator not showing up

PBCjimbo opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:

My Auctionator add-on stopped showing up when pre-patch update released. I assumed it had to do with the large update. Now the add-on has been updated and my friends are using it but it still doesn't show up on my add-on list or change anything in my game. I have tried deleting and reinstalling it several times, as well as closing and relaunching World of Warcraft.

Loaded Addons

Ace3, AtlasLootClassic, Attune, Auctionator, Bagnon, Core Loot Manager, Deadly Boss Mods, Decursive, Details! , Gargul, GatherMate 2 Classic, GTFO, Guild Roster Manager, Loon Best in Slot, MapCoords, Method Raid Tools, Mount Journal Enhanced, Neat Minimap, PallyPower, Pawn, Questie, RareScanner, SharedMedia, Speedy AutoLoot, TacoTip, ThreatClassic2, VuhDo, WeakAuras

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Hi. Your version of Curseforge is out of date and installing the Wrath edition of Auctionator. Either update your version of the Curseforge app, or install the zip found at