


Add Favorites doesn't work in 10.2.40

reussered opened this issue ยท 5 comments


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The Add Favorites function which was the old feature before Custom Group's was added doesn't work.


As far as I can tell, the only thing that works in this version is the Post function which does post an auction. But even Post is also broken because it doesn't go to the next item. This is a selling window bug.


I am using game version 4.4.0 (cataclysm classic)


Follow the instructions in #1509 (comment)


I deleted all of the SavedVariables files, and everything now works including Add to Favorites in the drop down menu The Custom Groups feature still needs to be included. When do you expect to have that back in some version. It was working perfectly well for me and I miss it terribly. I can't imagine that anyone was complaining about it, but I can only go by the bug reports I see. Was there a problem with Cataclysm that prevented this feature from being included?