


[retail prepatch]

Demonbrent opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:

Brief Description of Bug

_1. Please include a brief description of the bug, including what you were doing, and when it occurred.

Steps to Reproduce

its crashing my whole game with a weird type of error i havent seen before but it happens within 10 seconds of opening auction vendor 100% of the time have tested with addon turned off and its fine. i saw there was an update on it recent so i just put it back on to check but still crashed my game. i have even tried removing and reinstalling the addon incase there was some kinda of weird corruption somewhere between going into prepatch but that also didnt work.

_2. _Include the steps I would need to follow to reproduce the bug.__

Loaded Addons

  1. open auction vendor 2. move mouse into auction window 3. game crashes

Loaded Addons

im running minimal addons currently
bigwig, littlewig, omnicc, plater, details, bigdebuffs, click links, dbm, nameplate sct

_3. _Include a list of addons you were running at the time this bug occurred.__

Back Trace (LUA Error Output)

all the addons above, no LUA error


thank you will do


Do you have auto full scan on?


yeah i think so come to think of it only turned that on the other day right before i started having the issue


yep that seems to have fixed it.


If it crashes in the full scan make sure the slow full scan option in the advanced settings is disabled.

Going to close this issue as resolved