


action scan unknown

nikolaj00 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Dear Auctionator creator

idk if its a bug or its just me becouse i have try'ed

reinstall the addon - did not help.
get to a lower version - did not help.
tryed update it to see if that help - did not help
removed all my addons and installed Auctionator agian - did not help.
try'ed on my laptop to se if it work - did not work there either.

idk why mine is bug becouse 2 of my friends is it working fine with

so i hope u guys or the creator can help me...

so idk what i shall do i will post a picture also so u can see what i mean

  • the first picture is where u can see i'm done scanning the ah. -
  • and the second
    done scan
    bug unknown