


database erase/reset

Xen-G opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I used the Title: Auctionator (Version: 4.0.16) because it was small addon compare with others.When update coming lost all collected data -.-
2 weeks ago just updated to 4.0.17 & was empty shoplist when talked the NPC. Becouse before happened database loss copied back the lil 12 megs BUT the 4.0.17 did see NOTHING from it :(
Now I changed the addon to 4.0.16 & can use the backup database.
BUT thats not all, if go to auction with another char ( on other server) that also reset the database :( never happened this before

a save database button will be helpfull to make 'offical' backups all the database infos what ollect across months cus worth 0 if random reset the data -.-

This is my backup database

update : if relog the same char & talk the NPC than also reset(ing/ed) the database ( empty missing the recently searched things etc etc :( )