


cant use buy or sell tab

Kindredspiritgr opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:
When you click on buy or sell tab you get an error message

Brief Description of Bug

Please include a brief description of the bug, including what you were doing, and when it occurred.
Message: Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:1301: Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])
Time: 08/29/17 17:21:05
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:1301: Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])
Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:208: in function <Interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:207>
[C]: ?
[C]: in function PlaySound' Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:1301: in function AuctionFrameTab_OnClick'
[string ":OnClick"]:1: in function <[string ":OnClick"]:1>

Locals: errorMessage = "Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:1301: Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])"
DisplayMessageInternal = defined @interface\SharedXML\SharedBasicControls.lua:191

Steps to Reproduce

Include the steps I would need to follow to reproduce the bug.

Loaded Addons

Include a list of addons you were running at the time this bug occurred.

Back Trace (LUA Error Output)

You can get this through the use of !BugGrabber and BugSack addons.


Same issue

160x Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.17.lua:2843: attempt to index upvalue 'gCurrentPane' (a nil value) Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.17.lua:2843: in function Atr_Idle'
Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.17.lua:2796: in function `Atr_OnUpdate'
[string ":OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string ":OnUpdate"]:1>

self = Atr_core {
0 =
idle_lastUpdate = 0
dcq_lastUpdate = 0.030000002123415
TimeSinceLastUpdate = 0
elapsed = 0.010000000707805
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'gCurrentPane' (a nil value)"
gCurrentPane = nil
verCheckMsgState = 1
gHentryTryAgain = nil


Same Issue Here as well

Date: 2017-08-29 23:50:06
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Auctionator\Auctionator.lua line 1301:
Usage: PlaySound(soundKitID, optional["SFX","Music","Ambience", "Dialog" or "Master"], [forceNoDuplicates, runFinishCallback])
[C]: PlaySound()
Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:1301: AuctionFrameTab_OnClick()
[string ":OnClick"]:1:
[string "
(*temporary) = "igCharacterInfoTab"

Swatter, v7.0.5 (<%codename%>)
AngryKeystones, v
Auctionator, v4.0.17
AutoQuestTracker, vv1.2
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BagBrother, v
Configator, v5.1.DEV.406(/embedded)
DBMCore, v7.3.0
DBMCountPackHoTS, v1.3
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
Details, v
DetailsRaidInfoEmeraldNightmare, v
DetailsRaidInfoNighthold, v
DetailsRaidInfoTombOfSargeras, v
DetailsRaidInfoTrialOfValor, v
Gatherer, v7.0.5
gUI4, v1.1
gUI4ActionBars, v1.1
gUI4Auras, v1.1
gUI4CastBars, v1.1
gUI4Chat, v1.1
gUI4DevTools, v1.1
gUI4FontChanger, v1.1
gUI4Minimap, v1.1
gUI4Objectives, v1.1
gUI4Trade, v1.1
gUI4UnitFrames, v1.1
Mapster, v1.7.5.1-1-g6975e72
Masque, v7.3.0
MasqueGoldpaw, v1.0
PitBull4, vv4.1.7
Quester, v7.2.5.0
QuickRoutes, v7.2-release
Routes, vv1.5.7a
SharedMediaGoldpaw, v1.0
SlideBar, v7.0.5 (<%codename%>)
StarCursor, vr2
TomTom, vv70200-1.0.0
WeakAuras, v2.4.18
Wyr3dIcyVeinsStats, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.3.0.70300


Me too. Since patch 7.3 I can't use Auctionator. It's my favorite add-on, so hopefully it gets fixed soon. This also an opportunity to say kudos to the developer. Love the add-on. Please fix =)


I have a fix, but I need someone to test it. Send me an email address for an invite to slack for the beta release to test.


Why are you requesting people to email you for slack to test? Why not release a "BETA" version so everyone can switch to beta in curse and test? This just sounds too fishy to me, plus slack is not very common to use anymore.


Don't do it if you're not interested, these are common development and communication tools . There's a beta release up on curse now for approval, but I prefer to test before releasing anything.