


Feature Request : Max Button instead of Text

Nexxxy opened this issue ยท 3 comments



while the Stacks are saved or choosed via Menu, you always have to type in the max count of stacks you want to sell.

I added a Button to MaxOut the maximal amount of stacks what you are able to sell.
Additionally (you dont have to take this one) i added (due to my laziyness) 3 Buttons with maxes the current selected item with stacksize of 1,2 and 5s stacksize.


Thumbs up for this idea. This is actually what I came here for - to open a feature request for "max full stacks" option.
Some time ago I was using another AH addon that had option to sale:

  1. stack you put in the box
  2. Max full stacks
  3. Max full stacks + excess
  4. Specific size [ ]
  • I was always using option 2. here, and I miss that a lot. (ofc if you don't have enough for a full stack it should offer what you have dropped in the box)

Feature request two:
that dropdown menu for choosing duration is so inconvenient. It would be better to be checkbox-dot style
like: (*)12h ( )24h ( )48h

@Nexxxy : can you share how to add that MaxOut button, please? I'm not much into .lua language, but if you give me some info what to add to which .lua I can do it.


After that last chances to Auction-Creation-Prices i changed the other maxbuttons : 1,2,5 into 1,5,20


I like this idea!