


After last update 5.0.5, the button "Create Auction" dosen't works anymore. It doesen't create any auctions after putting items in AH.

doctorzoyd opened this issue · 5 comments


Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:

Brief Description of Bug

Please include a brief description of the bug, including what you were doing, and when it occurred.

Steps to Reproduce

Include the steps I would need to follow to reproduce the bug.

Loaded Addons

Include a list of addons you were running at the time this bug occurred.

Back Trace (LUA Error Output)

You can get this through the use of !BugGrabber and BugSack addons.


yes +++ not working ^^


You'll need to wait until this weeks client patch (27481) was deployed to your region. It should happen with Weekly Maintenance.


OK.My region is China,it will update on Thursday.


I just enter game,then use AH,but it does not work.
I reload addons it also does not work.Here is error logs:
3x Auctionator\Auctionator-5.0.5.lua:1583: attempt to call global 'PostAuction' (a nil value) Auctionator\Auctionator-5.0.5.lua:1583: in function Atr_CreateAuction_OnClick'
[string ":OnClick"]:1: in function <[string ":OnClick"]:1>

duration = 3
stackStartingPrice = 4752375
stackBuyoutPrice = 5002500
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 4752375
(*temporary) = 5002500
(*temporary) = 3
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 18
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'PostAuction' (a nil value)"
gAtr_SellTriggeredByAuctionator = true
gJustPosted =

StackSize = 1
ItemName = "合约:艾泽拉斯的勇士"
NumStacks = 18
BuyoutPrice = 5002500
ItemLink = "|cffffffff|Hitem:153668::::::::120:253::::::|h[合约:艾泽拉斯的勇士]|h|r"
gCurrentPane =
activeSearch =
hlistScrollOffset = 0
activeScan =
fullStackSize = 20
totalItems = 18
currIndex = 1
UINeedsUpdate = false
SS_hilite_itemName = "合约:艾泽拉斯的勇士"
zc =
IsEnglishLocale = defined @Auctionator\AuctionatorLocalize.lua:63
msg_red = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:570
TrimBrackets = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:955
tallyAdd = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1108
msg_yellow = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:572
msg = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:699
GetArrayElemOrFirst = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:136
NumToBool = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:524
printmem = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1018
ParseBattlePetLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:417
ShowHide = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:33
StringStartsWith = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:892
StringEndsWith = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:872
round = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:564
CopyDeep = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:984
ClearTable = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:975
CheckDeferredCall = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:320
priceToMoneyString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:803
tallyPrint = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1120
TrimQuotes = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:935
GetArrayElemOrNil = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:151
BoolToNum = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:514
If = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:107
periodic = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:343
Min = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:77
msg_pink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:571
SetTextIf = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:44
QuoteString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:923
msg_str = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:589
ItemNamefromLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:447
enc64 = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:201
Val = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:55
IsBattlePetLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:409
msg_ex = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:708
printableLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1005
PrintTable = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:373
StringContains = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:854
StringSame = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:836
PullItemIntoMemory = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:482
priceToString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:767
PrintKeysSorted = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:118
val2gsc = defined @Auct`


Closing; please re-open if this is not working after the update.