


Duplicate entries in multiple tabs

jrob8577 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


For some reason - I'm having problems with a couple of items making duplicate - umm - not entries but groups. If you do a search for "Bait" in the Buy Tab you'll see what I mean. Almost every fish has 2 or 3 Bates - but they are all the same. Where I noticed it was with the "Arcane Crystal Conduitor".

I've no idea why but - when creating an auction using the Sell Tab - even though it says I can create 4 auctions - when I tell it to create them I get an error stating that I don't have enough of that item. Each has to be created manually.

This duplication also shows up with the More Tab. Right now there are 17 Arcane Crystal Conduitors but the More Tab has 2 listings 8 and 9.

So how bad is it? With the More tab - Check for Undercuts obviously has a problem. At the moment - there is a 1 Gold 99 Silver & 99 Copper difference between the two listings. With the Sell Tab it's more of an anoyance than anything else. That is mainly because the Auctionator Sell Tab only looks at the Buyout Price and calculates the Starting Price from it.

Personally - that sucks almost as badly as the lack of functionallity for Bidding does. I've gotten used to switching to the original Browse Tab to determin a workable Starting Price. But selecting one of my Auctions really should copy both items and not just the Starting Price. Switching to Browse - finding my auction and switching back to change the Starting Price is a royal pain.

Reported by on 7/4/2015


Should have been addressed in 3.2.6 item link updates