


More suggestion than issue

SuperCircuitous opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I was hoping that there was a toggle in the options to prevent the shopping lists from being alphabetized, or maybe a flag that can be put in the list itself. I had made a shopping list that contained the flasks and potions relevant to my class, along with the required ingredients, IE:

Battle Potion of Intellect
Siren's Pollen
Flask of Endless Fathoms
Anchor Weed
Winter's Kiss
Coastal Healing Potion
Siren's Pollen

The idea being that I cannot remember what ingredients go into every potion when I am checking the AH for the profitability of each alchemical task, so I would like auctionator to do it for me ;) It would be cool if I could throw in a %donotsort at the beginning or have a checkbox in the settings, that way the list turns into more of a report. Also, another thing I noticed is that it obviously searches for riverbud and siren's pollen twice because I am using the list function in a manner that was not intended. It wouldn't really break my heart if it continued to search for some thing two or three times.

Cheers! Love auctionator, I've been using it since cataclysm