


Issue: commit b54502e #2

vandiel01 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


1x Auctionator\AuctionatorConfig.lua:998: attempt to index local 'lineEntry' (a nil value)
[string "@Auctionator\AuctionatorConfig.lua"]:998: in function Atr_ShpLists_Display' [string "@Auctionator\AuctionatorConfig.lua"]:972: in function Atr_ShpList_Options_Update'
[string ":OnUpdate"]:1: in function <[string ":OnUpdate"]:1>

sllist =

1 =
2 =
3 =
totalRows = 2
line = nil
dataOffset = 1
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 18
(for step) = 1
line = 1
lineEntry = nil
(*temporary) = "Atr_ShpList1"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'lineEntry' (a nil value)"
kShpLists_NumShpLists = 3
kShpLists_LinesToDisplay = 18
zc =
IsEnglishLocale = defined @Auctionator\Source\Localization\Main.lua:67
msg_red = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:570
TrimBrackets = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:955
tallyAdd = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1108
msg_yellow = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:572
msg = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:699
GetArrayElemOrFirst = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:136
NumToBool = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:524
printmem = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1018
ParseBattlePetLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:417
ShowHide = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:33
StringStartsWith = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:892
StringEndsWith = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:872
round = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:564
CopyDeep = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:984
ClearTable = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:975
CheckDeferredCall = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:320
priceToMoneyString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:803
tallyPrint = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1120
TrimQuotes = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:935
GetArrayElemOrNil = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:151
BoolToNum = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:514
If = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:107
periodic = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:343
Min = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:77
msg_pink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:571
SetTextIf = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:44
QuoteString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:923
msg_str = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:589
ItemNamefromLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:447
enc64 = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:201
Val = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:55
IsBattlePetLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:409
msg_ex = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:708
printableLink = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:1005
PrintTable = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:373
StringContains = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:854
StringSame = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:836
PullItemIntoMemory = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:482
priceToString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:767
PrintKeysSorted = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:118
val2gsc = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:749
Negate = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:534
IsTextQuoted = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:916
BoolToString = defined @Auctionator\zcUtils.lua:504


What were you doing when this happened?


Scanning for item from the ATT list or bag by "Shift Click" and it copy the word of the item to search window and it goes into a "circling loop" and the error would appear. Same goes with the previous commit error, gives me both


This bug affects old code that will be replaced