


Legion eror opening tradeskill window

ceylina opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Didn't even think of this until I opened my trade skill window in beta. Looks like that frame is renamed but I haven't searched what if any replace to fix it will be.

Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.0.lua:717: Auctionator_Search:SetPoint(): Couldn't find region named 'TradeSkillDetailScrollChildFrame'
[C]: in function SetPoint' Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.0.lua:717: in function <Auctionator\Auctionator.lua:705> Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.0.lua:965: in functionAtr_OnAddonLoaded'
Auctionator\Auctionator-4.0.0.lua:184: in function Atr_EventHandler' [string "*:OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEvent"]:1> [C]: in functionLoadAddOn'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:391: in function UIParentLoadAddOn' FrameXML\UIParent.lua:450: in functionTradeSkillFrame_LoadUI'
FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1453: in function <FrameXML\UIParent.lua:891>

(_temporary) = Auctionator_Search {
0 =
Right = {
Left = {
Middle = {
(_temporary) = "TOPRIGHT"
(_temporary) = "TradeSkillDetailScrollChildFrame"
(_temporary) = "TOPRIGHT"
(_temporary) = -1
(_temporary) = -24


Ok so if you change line 725 and 726 to this

local button = CreateFrame("BUTTON", "Auctionator_Search", TradeSkillFrameScrollChild, "UIPanelButtonTemplate");
button:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "TradeSkillFrameScrollChild", "TOPRIGHT", -3, -12);

it works but... they changed all the tradeskill functions so looks like more work :(

The main problem is there isn't anything anymore for GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex so you need to figure out some quick way to pull up recipes (GetAllRecipeIDs seems to be one way), compare it somehow to the currently selected open trade skill recipe (?) then pass that as a recipe ID to the other functions.

I also do not see any direct replacement for GetTradeSkillInfo but I am sure there is something buried in the addon for tradeskill to do just that :/


so here is what I have found about hte tradeskill functions:
This pertains to auctionator.lua
Starting at line 671

local index = GetTradeSkillSelectionIndex()
This is the big issue. I guess if you could match a list name to the recipeid and somehow match that to the selected recipe name you could use n array to find the match ot the selected. I can't find anything that replaces this directly.

local link = GetTradeSkillItemLink(index)

this becomes (direct replacement)

local link = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeItemLink(index)

local numReagents = GetTradeSkillNumReagents (index)

direct replacement:

local numReagents = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeNumReagents(index)

local shoppingListName = GetItemInfo (link)
if (shoppingListName == nil) then
shoppingListName = GetTradeSkillInfo (index)

GetTradeSkillInfo has no direct replacement so it would be a bit of work to get it in legion. Perhaps it is safe to just remove the check and put in

local shoppingListName = GetItemInfo (link)

local reagentName = GetTradeSkillReagentInfo(index, reagentId)

direct replacement

local reagentName = C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeReagentInfo(index, reagentId)

So the only issue is making some sort of loop to check against the list of recipe ids for the tradeskill then somehow match up against he selected tradeskill and output the correct id

Either of these two will create a table of IDs

C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllRecipeIDs() or C_TradeSkillUI.GetFilteredRecipeIDs


I think we fixed this, closing.