


Can't search with shoppinglists

KALBot opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Brief Description of Bug

Trying to search using any one out of my many different shoppinglists, no matter if they are old or if they are completely new on a completely newly installed version of the add-on, always results in the search getting stuck at "Search for item 2/xx in [Shoppinglist]", displayed on the left portion of the window and with "Fetching item info...", on the right with their spinning animations continuing indefinitely. (I have waited for over 30 min for it to resolve or timeout, but nothing changes.)

The same thing happens no matter which server, character or auction house I've tried using.

There are no conditions associated with the items on the lists.

The items on the lists can be searched for individually by manually clicking on them without any issues.

Every time the add-on gets stuck like this, the item list gets unclickable until I mouse scroll the list up and down and then I can interact with the list again even though the spinning animations are still present. If a list is not long enough to be scrollable, performing such an action results in nothing.

Loaded Addons

BagBrother: enabled
Bagnon: enabled
Bagnon_Config: enabled
Bartender4: enabled
Binder: enabled
ExRT: enabled
HandyNotes: enabled
HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures: enabled
MacroToolkit: enabled
MacroToolkitIcons: enabled
MonkeySpeed: enabled
MoveAnything: enabled
NPCScan: enabled
Omen: enabled
PersonalLootHelper: enabled
Postal: enabled
SellOMatic2: enabled
ShadowedUF_Options: enabled
ShadowedUnitFrames: enabled
Skada: enabled
TidyPlates: enabled
TidyPlatesHub: enabled
TidyPlatesWidgets: enabled
TidyPlates_Graphite: enabled
TidyPlates_Grey: enabled
TidyPlates_Neon: enabled
TidyPlates_Quatre: enabled
TitanLocation: enabled
TitanRepair: enabled
TitanXP: enabled
Titan: enabled
WeakAuras: enabled
WeakAurasModelPaths: enabled
WeakAurasOptions: enabled
WeakAurasTemplates: enabled
WorldQuestsList: enabled
DBM-Core: enabled
DBM-DefaultSkin: enabled
DBM-GUI: enabled
DBM-StatusBarTimers: enabled
DBM-Brawlers: enabled
DBM-BrokenIsles: enabled
DBM-DMF: enabled
DBM-EmeraldNightmare: enabled
DBM-Party-Legion: enabled
DBM-Nighthold: enabled
DBM-TombofSargeras: enabled
DBM-TrialofValor: enabled
DBM-WorldEvents: enabled
!BugGrabber: enabled
DBM-Party-WoD: enabled
DBM-Highmaul: enabled
DBM-HellfireCitadel: enabled
DBM-GarrisonInvasions: enabled
DBM-BlackrockFoundry: enabled
DBM-Draenor: enabled
BugSack: enabled
OrderHallCommander: enabled
RareScanner: enabled
TomTom: enabled
TitanPoints: enabled
ChampionCommander: enabled
WeakAurasCompanion: enabled
Auctionator: enabled
MogIt: enabled
WeakAurasArchive: enabled

Back Trace (LUA Error Output)

No reported LUA errors through BugGrabber, but the game prompts with the large red text stating "Internal auction error."




Can you attach your Auctionator.lua file as well; found in [WoW Directory]\_retail_\WTF\Account\[Some numbers]\SavedVariables.


Which version do you have installed?


We've recently made a change that fixes some "Internal Auction Error" issues in the latest discord alpha.