


Sort search results by iLevel

designadrug opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Would like to be able to sort search results by iLevel. Would be particularly useful for enchantments and cut gems.


The Blizzard 9.0.1 PTR AH has the desired feature (it lets you sort by usable item level on both gems and enchants):

If that doesn't meet your requirements comment here (and I'll reopen the issue) or in a new feature request.


You can filter (instead of sorting) by the level of gems and enchants, its the "Crafted Level" option in the search parameters window:


@plusmouse Do we get the ilvl from our searches? Can't remember what comes back from the API. If we do, we can add a column to the results listing...


We do get an ilvl back for gear only


However levels for gems and enchants is something we've added, and isn't normally part of the results, and requires extra processing on our end to get them for all items


OMG sorry - I forgot I activated the alpha stream a while back to get some feature or other. Seriously; hard to tell.

Just some context - say you've got a page of results for Haste Gems, you can sort on name, you can sort on price... seeing that iLevel column really helped me figure out which gems (and ring enchantments) were appropriate for characters of a certain level. Being able to sort on that column would really allow me to zero-in much faster. And the same would be true of other gear too.

I know I can do it by filtering ranges. But I don't. Sometimes I'm shopping for multiple characters at a time. Mostly it's because I like to look.