bad argument #1 to 'LockItem'
Quartzfire opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Please include as much of the following information as possible to help me fix the bug:
When I sell items, the last item I sell doesn't disappear from the area on the right that shows the icons for the items. When I then click on the icon, that is when I get the LUA.
Please include a brief description of the bug, including what you were doing, and when it occurred.
Sell some items.
Last item icon doesn't disappear from the panel.
Click on the item.
Experience LUA error.
Hope this link to imgur works here
Loaded Addons
Is there a way to somehow generate this?
Back Trace (LUA Error Output)
3x ...\Auctionator\Source\Tabs\Selling\Mixins\SaleItem.lua:64: bad argument #1 to 'LockItem' (Usage: C_Item.LockItem(itemLocation))
[string "=[C]"]: in function LockItem' [string "@Auctionator\Source\Tabs\Selling\Mixins\SaleItem.lua"]:64: in function
[string "@Auctionator\Source\Tabs\Selling\Mixins\SaleItem.lua"]:127: in function ReceiveEvent' [string "@Auctionator\Source\Utilities\EventBusMixin.lua"]:86: in function
[string "@Auctionator\Source\Tabs\Selling\Mixins\BagItem.lua"]:47: in function <...s\Auctionator\Source\Tabs\Selling\Mixins\BagItem.lua:41>
(*temporary) =
Clear = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:21
IsEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:48
IsEqualToBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:64
SetBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:27
IsBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:52
SetEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:38
slotIndex = 11
HasAnyLocation = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:56
bagID = 0
GetEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:44
IsEqualToEquipmentSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:72
GetBagAndSlot = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:34
IsValid = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:60
IsEqualTo = defined @FrameXML\ObjectAPI\ItemLocation.lua:80
Hi PlusMouse,
Wow, thanks for the super quick response.
Screenshot of "selling" tab should be attached.
I'm using "".
I do have a lot of addons, could well be a conflict somewhere. In terms of things that interact with the AH, I have TSM and also have Collectionator - I can try disable everything other than Auctionator if that may help?
Hi PlusMouse,
Quick update - I have disabled almost all addons.
I have Auctionator and Bugtracker & Bugsack loaded.
Problem still occurs (also happened without bugtracker & bugsack loaded, but I got no lua).
Updated screenshot attached.
As you can see - the selling post does happen, so I no longer actually have the item, I assume perhaps that is why the lua is generated when I click on it's icon on the left?
Please do let me know if there's anything else I can test / trace / screenshot / log etc.