


[Bug] Conflict with KalielsTracker

ZINK-ZINK opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Game Client


Current Behavior

Just switched from Elvui to Aurora+Grid2+Raven+other addons I've had for ages trying to use less system resources. Loving the new setup a lot more and went from 45fps to 100fps in raids. I can't get this Aurora bug to stop though, after a Bugsack wipe the error pops even on a fresh exit and restart of WoW the moment I load into game. It doesn't seem to be a problem, but errors are never great. Here's the Bugsack:

1x ...\Skin\SharedXML\SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua:386: attempt to index local 'Frame' (a nil value)
[string "@aurora\Skin\SharedXML\SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:386: in function NineSlicePanelTemplate' [string "@Aurora\Skin\SharedXML\SharedUIPanelTemplates.lua"]:495: in function TooltipBackdropTemplate'
[string "@!KalielsTracker\Libs\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0-12.lua"]:1704: in function <...r\Libs\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0.lua:1700>
[string "@!KalielsTracker\Libs\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0-12.lua"]:1714: in function <...r\Libs\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0\MSA-DropDownMenu-1.0.lua:1711>

Frame = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'Frame' (a nil value)"
Hook =

LFDQueueFrameRandomCooldownFrame_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\LFDFrame.lua:13
GuildMicroButtonMixin =
ChallengesKeystoneFrameMixin_OnKeystoneSlotted = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_ChallengesUI.lua:26
QuestObjectiveSetupBlockButton_AddRightButton = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:21
FCF_SetButtonSide = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\FloatingChatFrame.lua:40
QuestFrameProgressItems_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\QuestFrame.lua:13
OrderHallMission =
HelpPlate_GetButton = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\TutorialFrame.lua:69
LFGListApplicationViewer_UpdateRoleIcons = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\LFGList.lua:91
ChallengesKeystoneFrameMixin_Reset = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_ChallengesUI.lua:22
EmbeddedItemTooltip_PrepareForSpell = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\GameTooltip.lua:23
NavBar_CheckLength = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\NavigationBar.lua:17
BossBanner_ConfigureLootFrame = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\BossBannerToast.lua:12
AchievementButton_GetMiniAchievement = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_AchievementUI.lua:85
AchievementButton_UpdatePlusMinusTexture = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_AchievementUI.lua:39
AchievementFrameStats_SetStat = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_AchievementUI.lua:116
NewPvpSeasonMixin =
UIDropDownMenuButton_OnClick = defined @aurora\Skin\SharedXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:104
PartyPoseRewardsMixin =
PlayerChoiceOptionFrameMixin =
LFGListUtil_SetSearchEntryTooltip = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\LFGList.lua:130
LFGCooldownCover_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\LFGFrame.lua:70
PetStable_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\PetStable.lua:21
CovenantSanctumMixin =
RaceFilter_OnHide = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_ArchaeologyUI.lua:16
UIWidgetManagerMixin =
AuctionHouseFavoritesSearchButtonMixin =
GarrisonFollowerButton_AddAbility = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_GarrisonTemplates.lua:29
CommunitiesTicketManagerDialogMixin =
CovenantRenownMixin =
EncounterJournal_ListInstances = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_EncounterJournal.lua:26
OpenMail_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\MailFrame.lua:76
InspectHonorFrame_Update = defined @aurora\SkinBlizzard_InspectUI.lua:45
InboxFrame_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\MailFrame.lua:18
AddonList_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\SharedXML\AddonList.lua:31
PVPHonorXPBar_Update = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\PVPHonorSystem.lua:14
QuestFrame_SetTitleTextColor = defined @aurora\Skin\FrameXML\QuestFrame.lua:78
ExhaustionTickMixin =
WardrobeSetsTransmogMixin =
WardrobeSetsCollectionMixin =
AchievementButton_GetMeta = defined @Inter

Expected Behavior

Not get bugsack errors

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Log In. That's it lol

Additional context

No response


Oh and I run A LOT of addons new and old, so there could easily be conflicts, but where the conflict is isn't obvious to me. Without Aurora loaded all my addons cooperate and I get no errors, so it's something specific to Aurora even if the actual problem is CovenantMissionHelper or another addon pissing off Aurora or something like that.


Thought Better Wardrobe and Transmog addon might've been the culprit so tried disabling that addon and reload. The Aurora error still showed up so that wasn't it.


The stack trace mentions KalielsTracker, try disabling that. The library MSA-DropDownMenu that it uses hasn't been updated in a while.


@Gethe Ah yes Kaliels is likely the problem then. I had downloaded their Aurora Extension at so I ignored it as a possibility, but yea some of Kaliel's settings won't function now so it's probably their fault. Aesthetically it's a great quest tracker, but man does it have a habit of being buggy. TY I'll look for Kaliel's bug report site and forward this to them.