LUA errors in Classic Era
triglav-modular opened this issue ยท 1 comments
23x AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:141: attempt to call field 'GetSpellTexture' (a nil value)
[string "@AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua"]:141: in function `updatePrio'
[string "@AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua"]:50: in function <AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:25>
self = Frame {
updatePrio = <function> defined @AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:102
panel = AutoPotion {
createPrioFrame = <function> defined @AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:66
InitializeOptions = <function> defined @AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:169
0 = <userdata>
InitializeClassSpells = <function> defined @AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:288
OnEvent = <function> defined @AutoPotion/FrameXML/InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:25
spellCounter = 0
itemCounter = 0
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
1 = 13446
(for control) = 1
i = 1
id = 13446
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 13446
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'GetSpellTexture' (a nil value)"
ham = <table> {
defaults = <table> {
mythical = <table> {
bitterImmunity = 383762
lesser1 = <table> {
endless = <table> {
updateMacro = <function> defined @AutoPotion/code.lua:114
resurgent = <table> {
superior = <table> {
crazy_alch = <table> {
healingPotion = <table> {
lesser = <table> {
greater2 = <table> {
giftOfTheNaaruPaladin = 59542
insertIntoDB = <function> defined @AutoPotion/Core/DB.lua:36
soulful = <table> {
refreshingR1 = <table> {
master2 = <table> {
witheringDreamsR3 = <table> {
algariHealingPotionR1 = <table> {
master1 = <table> {
fleetingAlgariHealingPotionR2 = <table> {
healtsthone1 = <table> {
giftOfTheNaaruDK = 59545
witheringR3 = <table> {
witheringDreamsR1 = <table> {
witheringR2 = <table> {
superreju = <table> {
giftOfTheNaaruShaman = 59547
giftOfTheNaaruMageWarlock = 416250
giftOfTheNaaruHunter = 59543
dreamR3 = <table> {
updateHeals = <function> defined @AutoPotion/code.lua:51
healingElixir = 122281
healthstone = <table> {
fel0 = <table> {
argent = <table> {
major2 = <table> {
major1 = <table> {
spiritual = <table> {
healtsthone2 = <table> {
tonic = <table> {
master0 = <table> {
giftOfTheNaaruMage = 59548
healtsthone0 = <table> {
ancient = <table> {
witheringDreamsR2 = <table> {
fel1 = <table> {
spellIDs = <table> {
desperatePrayer = 19236
giftOfTheNaaruWarrior = 28880
major = <table> {
lesser0 = <table> {
dreamR1 = <table> {
runic_inject = <table> {
Item = <table> {
getPots = <function> defined @AutoPotion/Core/Potions.lua:97
Player = <table> {
dreamsR2 = <table> {
getHealthstonesClassic = <function> defined @AutoPotion/Core/Potions.lua:213
fel2 = <table> {
demonicHealthstoneItem = <table> {
Spell = <table> {
demonicWotLK2 = <table> {
roguesDraught = <table> {
demonicWotLK0 = <table> {
major0 = <table> {
witheringR1 = <table> {
giftOfTheNaaruMonk = 121093
astral = <table> {
fleetingAlgariHealingPotionR3 = <table> {
exhilaration = 109304
giftOfTheNaaruRogue = 370626
expelHarm = 322101
greater1 = <table> {
minor2 = <table> {
fleetingAlgariHealingPotionR1 = <table> {
itemIdList = <table> {
fortitudeOfTheBear = 272679
algariHealingPotionR2 = <table> {
greater = <table> {
greater0 = <table> {
cosmic = <table> {
ashran = <table> {
minor1 = <table> {
giftOfTheNaaruPriest = 59544
algariHealingPotionR3 = <table> {
thirdWind = <table> {
aged = <table> {
minor0 = <table> {
minor = <table> {
combat = <table> {
super = <table> {
abyssal = <table> {
auchenai = <table> {
injector = <table> {
refreshingR2 = <table> {
crimsonVialSpell = 185311
refreshingR3 = <table> {
runic = <table> {
master = <table> {
demonicWotLK1 = <table> {
lesser2 = <table> {
renewal = 108238
removeFromDB = <function> defined @AutoPotion/Core/DB.lua:23
coastal = <table> {
dbContains = <function> defined @AutoPotion/Core/DB.lua:13
supportedSpells = <tabl