Auto Sell Grey & Repair

Auto Sell Grey & Repair


Feature Request: Configure how to repair

Fathertim3 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Have a configurable section to prioritize Guild repair or personal.


The original spirit of this addon was to have a functionality that doesn't require any configuration or something that you set once for all characters. That means if we want to add features I see it only by supporting profiles with special global profile. That means there needs to exist a global profile (enabled by default for new characters) and only later can users create a special profile by themselves or switch to existing one for the current character. If people don't mind the configuration there are great addons already that cover "Sell grey & repair" functionality. That's why I wanted to dig dipper into ace3 but then I stopped playing wow for a time. Now I'm back for DF, so I'd gladly contribute to keep this addon afloat.

#12 (comment)


I'll try to look into it (when I'll have some free time) while keeping out-of-the-box experience as is