Auto Seller

Auto Seller


The Autoseller window does not update to the new version

Giftschwammerl opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Despite the new addon version, I still have the old version window. The item level ends at 350 and all other new features are not visible either. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled the addon, that didn't help either.
Screenshot 2023-04-27 125009
Screenshot 2023-04-27 125037


I have the similar problem. Any help plz? Auction price only 500 g, this is very-very low.

And can this addon auto sell Green items or only sell after button "Sell Items" pressed? Because if I add a green item to the Auto sell list, a Blue version of this item with the same item name is selling too. But I need to sell only green one.