


soul bag

ncplus0 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


hi mt8, when the request #56 was open o thought you would take care of the soul bags of warlock, but aparently i made a mistake.

can you please create an option so that the soul bags are not replace for normal bags.


im actualy using a 12 slot bag and is trying to replace with a 10 bag


tks in advance


I'm not sure how I feel about this. I can't stand these limited bags which have their own empty slots that you can only put 1 type of thing in, personally. I always use only generic bags on my warlocks, so my bag slots are more dynamic. That makes the current behavior my preferred behavior.

I'll have to think about this a bit more and consider how to approach it in a way that preserves the current behavior and satisfies both kinds of players.


i think its wasy, just update the score for 12 instade of zero.
ps: i forgot to tell, im using classic sod


I think the best way I will support this for now is with the slot-locking feature, meaning the ability to keep a soul bag on will depend on you locking the soul bag's equipment slot. Any thoughts on that?