



elzeardbouffier opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I've been getting this error when trying to search anything:

aux-addon\gui\auction_listing.lua:533: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value

A few times search works perfectly fine, but I wasn't doing anything different (as far as I know).


there has been no significant change in a long time and no one else has reported this so it's most likely just a savedvariables issue.


Deleting my WTF folder seemed to fix it. Ideally I'd be able to surgically remove some savedvariable file, but I've had no luck with either SavedVariables/aux-addon.lua or ACCOUNT/SavedVariables.lua. (Admittedly I don't really know what I should be deleting.) Thanks for your response and the great addons nonetheless!

e: Fixed. It was specific to my bank alt. I deleted the character's WTF folder, even though I couldn't see any aux-related files in the character's folder.


Continuing to have this issue. Deleting WTF file for the specific character no longer resolves it.


Aux doesnt use that anyway, youd have to delete the main aux file for your account.


Deleting the main aux file does not work.


Did you delete it while the client was running? You have to shut down the client then delete then restart.


I deleted it while the client was shut down and the problem remains.


Anything unusual about your client?
Are you playing on server other than the 3 most popular ones?

Are you certain you have the newest version of aux? (To be safe you should delete the folder and download the zip, git pull may have issues with case in file names.

Are you certain you deleted the right account's savedvariables?

  1. I'm using the MacOS client. Would that make a difference?

  2. Just Northdale.

  3. Yes, newest version.

  4. Yes, correct account.

I also regularly get this split-column view. I don't know if it's connected.


The two post listings are a feature toggled by /aux post bid and a reload.

No idea about the mac, I've never used one.

Did you ever try disabling all other addons?
Also, to be absolutely sure it's an aux bug (which I'm very skeptical of because it happens on every search and no one else has reported it) could you try downloading a fresh client, installing only aux and then teying again?


Sorry, I should've isolated this from the beginning. It looks like it pops up when pfui is enabled. I'll see if anyone in shagu's Discord has an idea.