


Lua Error on Classic Stress Test

tomboyit opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Message: Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:24: Invalid quest item in SetQuestItem("type", index)
Time: Thu Aug 8 23:50:53 2019
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:24: Invalid quest item in SetQuestItem("type", index)
[C]: in function ?' Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:24: in function SetQuestItem'
...terface\AddOns\Storyline\rewards\rewards_buttons.lua:41: in function <...terface\AddOns\Storyline\rewards\rewards_buttons.lua:39>

Locals: (*temporary) = GameTooltip {
0 =
Shadow = {
SetHyperlink = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
SetTradeSkillItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
_owner = QuestieFrame66 {
questOrder =

SetCraftItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
IsSkinned = true
TopOverlay = {
npcOrder =
SetLootItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
SetQuestItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
numMoneyFrames = 1
SetInboxItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
shoppingTooltips =
SetMerchantItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
SetQuestLogItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
BottomOverlay = {
hasMoney = 1
SetCraftSpell = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
BorderIsCreated = true
BorderTop = {
updateTooltip = 0.100000
SetInventoryItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
BorderLeft = {
comparing = false
SetAuctionSellItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
SetBagItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
needsReset = true
SetAction = defined =[C]:-1
BorderBottom = {
BorderRight = {
SetAuctionItem = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:21
(*temporary) = "choice"
(*temporary) = 3


`Message: Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\aux-addon.lua:69: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Aug 9 21:14:20 2019
Count: 2
Stack: Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\aux-addon.lua:69: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\aux-addon.lua:69: in function <Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\aux-addon.lua:57>

Locals: _ = {
0 =
arg1 = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)"
handlers =

1 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\aux-addon.lua:74
2 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\control.lua:12
3 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\frame.lua:5
4 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\cache.lua:13
5 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\cache.lua:39
6 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\tooltip.lua:15
7 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\tabs\search\core.lua:18
8 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\tabs\search\results.lua:12
9 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\tabs\search\saved.lua:8
10 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\tabs\post\frame.lua:314
11 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\crafting.lua:10
event_frame = {
0 =
handlers2 =
1 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\aux-addon.lua:213
2 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\core\history.lua:12
3 = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\tabs\post\core.lua:33


If you have a subscription active, you can play with the addon till monday, the stress test is still up!
The only quality of life feature they added to the mailbox is bulk mail, you don't have anymore to send 1 mail for every item, you can send multiple items on a single mail. For the rest, opening, reading, collecting items is still the same. So an addon to automate opening/reading/collecting money/items is still needed!


Oh, I thought I needed a special invite. Thanks a lot for the info :)


Thanks. I'll look into it in the afternoon. By the way, could you also tell me what did work please? (I still only have some emulator to go by)
Also, an unrelated question: is it true that the mailbox supports bulk operations without addons?


What is the status of Aux support for Classic? Is it working?


What is the status of Aux support for Classic? Is it working?

IMO works perfectly. I love it :)