LUA Error on Classic Test
thecardinal5483 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Message: Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\libs\T.lua:19: attempt to call a table value
Time: Sun Aug 11 15:34:44 2019
Count: 546
Stack: Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\libs\T.lua:19: attempt to call a table value
Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\libs\T.lua:19: in function <Interface\AddOns\aux-addon\libs\T.lua:18>
Locals: (for generator) =
{= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
(for state) = nil
(for control) = nil
(*temporary) =
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call a table value"
auto_release =
= true
= true
= true
= true
= true
release = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\libs\T.lua:39
wipe = defined @interface\AddOns\aux-addon\libs\T.lua:8
The above error repeats until addon disabled
Also getting this - it just increments the counter of errors until the WoW UI slows down or you disable aux