Can't Post Item (Part 2)
ognennyy opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I read through the recent "Can't Post Item" thread at #228 and I don't think my issue is related. I decided to spawn a new thread for this post.
I attempted to post an item via the Aux interface. I didn't have enough money for the 1.2 silver deposit on a stack of 17xLight Leather and as expected received an error telling me so. I then went to a vendor and sold an item, which brought me to over 2s and gave me enough to cover the deposit.
When I returned to the AH I was going to post 3x String Wolf Meat but the "Post" button was grayed out; I was not able to interact with it; nothing happened when I moused over the button; it was unclickable. I verified that I did in fact have the item selected in the Selected Item window above. So I opened the default blizz UI AH screen and posted the item. Thinking it was some buggy behavior specifically with Stringy Wolf Meat I moved on to post the Light Leather again.
Unfortunately I got the same behavior as I had gotten with the Stringy Wolf Meat. At this point I did a /console reloadui, and Aux's Post button became usable again.
Could it be that there may be a bug that grays out the post button after you get an error for insufficient money to post but does not reset properly, and just keeps the button grayed out? I just created my first character so I do not have enough items or money to try to replicate the behavior. But hopefully in a few hours I will be able to do so, and will update the thread.
By the way, thanks a million for updating this addon to work with Classic. I appreciate your selfless work.
Yeah this is a known issue. I will have to spend some time looking at the classic API to find a better way for aux to confirm that auctioning was successful.
Without lost Saves
Go to your WOW Folder -> WTF -> Account -> accountnumer -> SavedVariables
Cancel the file "aux-addon.lua.bak"
Download Notepad ++ (is the best)
In Notepad ++ (on top) press "lenguages" -> L -> Lua
Find you're bugged ID. In my case, i can't post Wool Cloth
Write on google : "itemyoucan'tpost ID WOW" (in my case: Wool CLoth id wow)
Open the first link, is 99% wowhead (in my case:
You can see the id inside the Link (in my case: 2592)
Go to Notepad:
Go to the top of the script
You have something like this:
["faction"] = {
["Flamelash|Alliance"] = {
["post"] = {
Now , you have a lot of string like this:
["6331:0"] = "3#25075#65090#0"
Find you're ID
["2592:0"] = "mypriceu.u"
Cancel the string
["6331:0"] = "3#25075#65090#0",
["2592:0"] = "3#0.001#150#0", <- BUGGED
["13043:0"] = "3#59000#80000#0",
["6331:0"] = "3#25075#65090#0",
["13043:0"] = "3#59000#80000#0",
Save changes. (File -> Save)
Close Notepad
Start WOW
Enjoy, now you can post