


Scan doesn't continue sometimes

xC0DEB10C opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I haven't tested the parameters of this issue much, but I've noticed that the scan will stop or more like hang and not continue sometimes after reaching page 6-8. The issue doesn't seem to happen when disabling the owner ignore. Also I don't notice any scan speed difference when ignoring owners, so there might be an issue somewhere there.


There's definitely a difference though it's not very noticable at the moment on kronos because there's not much lag. On Nost pvp sometimes you'd have to wait an extra 30+ seconds per page for the owners.
Still, if you don't ignore owners you'll find that the results don't appear instantly when you make a query (without being on the 4 second query cooldown imposed by the API).

Does the hanging happen often? I've noticed it too sometimes but not at specific pages. The problem is I guess that the server doesn't respond. I don't have a timeout because this has never been an issue. Maybe a recent change on kronos that makes this happen. I will add a timeout when I have time but it's not that simple to change that part of the code.


Ok it doesn't seem to have anything to do with if you ignore the owners or not.
It just stopped at: "Scanning 2 / 2 (Page 24 / 36)" and won't continue. I was scanning "weapon;armor"


Added a timeout now. Can you try if it still stops?


Awe sweet, it doesn't happen anymore - perfect!


Great :)