


Item's not found in the Post window

Haroldyolo opened this issue ยท 6 comments



Tried to sell few things this morning, but once I click on them in the post window it finds 0 items of that kind, but if I go and search for it in the search window it appears.Pretty sure that is a bug with the post screen or something. Happens with green items mostly, one example is shield I have called: Robust Buckler of the Falcon



I think the post window treats different suffixes as different items. Makes sense because the suffix can have a huge impact on the value. For example, 4/4 scouting gloves of the monkey is a valuable twink item which may sell for 100g, 3/3 scouting gloves of the owl is worth no more than its vendor price.


Am I understanding this correctly...if the post window evaluate suffix to be garbage it won't show it at all in the results? I thought all the post window does is scan all the auctions for the current item (exact item, suffix and prefixes) and then display it.


Yeah that's what it does. (your second sentence) The search tab on the other hand does not consider the suffix unless you use a tooltip filter so that's why you'll see items there that you don't see in the post tab.


Note that there are different suffixes with the same name. E.g., Scouting gloves of the monkey exist as 4/4, 4/3, 3/4, and 3/3.


Oh that makes more sense now yeah. I always thought for some reason that each suffix is constant value, but if they are float then it's understandable for the garbage ones not to be even considered for posting.


No, everything is considered for posting, but only if it's exactly the same suffix, not just the same suffix name.