


Real Time mode keeps showing the same results

raine opened this issue ยท 5 comments


For a few hours now, with <> as the query, Real Time mode has been showing pretty much the same results.

I can't say with certainty that it has worked perfectly before, but someone seems to have had similar issue in #81.

Also, if you need any help debugging this let me know. I see that some of the real time search logic is in tabs/search/results.lua.


Tested and confirmed here too. Real Time is bugged.


i can confirm this as well, for the past 3 days real time search is scanning the same stuff over and over :/


not an aux bug, the ah sorting is wrong on elysium/kronos


is it known to be broken on lightshope (northdale) too ? because it's the same items that show up there too in realtime mode (in full scan there is a bit over 600 pages)


Dont know but u can easily check. The blizzlike sorting is the oldest auctions are on the first page so if u find auctions with long time left on the first pages then most likely they broke the sorting to prevent sniping or for whatever reason.