Azeroth Pilot Reloaded

Azeroth Pilot Reloaded


Cant get addon to work. 8 errors.

Garduk opened this issue ยท 6 comments


All mods disabled except azeroth pilot reloaded. Was gonna come back to WoW and level a zandalari for the heritage armor before launch of dragonflight but I just can't level without this addon!

Any help? Thanks!

Message: Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML: Binding
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML attribute: name
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML attribute: header
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML attribute: category
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML: Binding
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML attribute: name
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML attribute: header
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1

Message: Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/Bindings.xml:2 Unrecognized XML attribute: category
Time: Sat Nov 5 19:08:02 2022
Count: 1


I believe these are fixed in the GitHub version, but just has not been pushed to CurseForge yet. Download dev ZIP on the main page (under the green code button) and give that a try.


Hmm yeah that fixed those errors.

The addon doesn't do anything for me tho. Arrow doesn't work and quest list isn't populated. Trying to complete a quest to see if it updates but nothing.

Im trying it out now without having a subscription to wow. So under level 20 character. Can that influence the addon somehow? Can't see why it should tho..


By default using the Speed Run, ARP should guide you 1-10 through Exile's Reach, then to Stormwind/Orgrimmar at level 10, then to Chromie to accept the Iron Horde (Warlords of Draenor) timeline.

If you do not have a subscription, that might mean you do not have a character already at level 50+ on your account, which means you cannot use Chromie to do the WoD timeline. Because of this, you will need to use the Custom Path feature to select the Battle for Azeroth (BFA) routes since without Chromie Time, the other zones won't scale with you (i.e., will stop giving you XP at a certain point), but the BFA ones will.


Ah yes it was the speed run option that did nothing. Custom troll start worked.

I cant set a key binding to apr.

Red blizzard box saying "Couldn't load Blizzard_BindingUI: Missing"

Then a detailed error window:

Message: Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/OptionsPanel.lua:1042: attempt to index global 'KeyBindingFrame' (a nil value)
Time: Sat Nov 5 20:11:29 2022
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/OptionsPanel.lua:1042: attempt to index global 'KeyBindingFrame' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/OptionsPanel.lua"]:1042: in function <Interface/AddOns/APR-Core/OptionsPanel.lua:1040>

Locals: self = APR_OptionsButtons2 {
0 =
CalculateAction = defined @Interface/FrameXML/SecureTemplates.lua:609
arg1 = "LeftButton"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'KeyBindingFrame' (a nil value)"

Well I guess ill try to resubscribe and see if it works better.


Yes that is because blizz changed shit up you cant use the keybind button you need to go into options>Keybind>addons it is in there
i am working on getting that fixed


This is a duplicate of #13, closing issue - which should have been resolved with the newest version.