BadBoy_CCleaner: Filter Crap From Chat

BadBoy_CCleaner: Filter Crap From Chat


Not being able to filter achievments or raid links

WybeBosch opened this issue · 0 comments


Describe the problem

It seems when i verbatim copy the output of a chat frame into the ccleaner input such as "WTS HC [The Jailer]"
it doesnt pickup on the jailer part. Should achievments or raid links be typed in a different way for ccleaner to pick them up?

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. See chat spam of people selling heroic boosts
  2. copy said chat spam using elvui chatlog exact copy
  3. paste that part including the raid/achievment linked text into ccleaner
  4. Not blocked :(

Consider attaching a screenshot below to help describe your issue (Attach directly, do not link to other websites)


What version of the addon are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)


Do you have an error log of what happened?

No errors

Current chat filter:

	" +15=120k", -- [1]
	" < guild > wts", -- [2]
	" < guild group > wts", -- [3]
	" < guıld team >  wts", -- [4]
	" <armorstack>&<specific key>", -- [5]
	" <m+15 110k>", -- [6]
	" <wts> 50-60 lvl", -- [7]
	" sylv offering", -- [8]
	" wts 15-20  guaranted in time ", -- [9]
	"(group) wts 15-20", -- [10]
	"(guild) selling   m+15", -- [11]
	"11/11 hc fated ", -- [12]
	"1x+15=115k", -- [13]
	"< guild > wts", -- [14]
	"< guild group > offering", -- [15]
	"< guild group > wts", -- [16]
	"< guıld team >  wts", -- [17]
	"< professional team >", -- [18]
	"<< gray team >>", -- [19]
	"<< guild wts >>", -- [20]
	"<<wts>> m+10", -- [21]
	"<armor stack>", -- [22]
	"<armor stack> <specfic key>", -- [23]
	"<armorstack> or <specific key>", -- [24]
	"<bloom> selling mythic mount", -- [25]
	"<friend group> torghast", -- [26]
	"<friend group> wts", -- [27]
	"<friendly group> offering", -- [28]
	"<group>wts 15-20 keys", -- [29]
	"<guild group>", -- [30]
	"<guild group> offering", -- [31]
	"<guild group> selling", -- [32]
	"<guild group> wts", -- [33]
	"<guild gruppe> selling", -- [34]
	"<guild runs>", -- [35]
	"<guild team> fated", -- [36]
	"<guild> offering", -- [37]
	"<guildgroup>", -- [38]
	"<key 15-22 >", -- [39]
	"<loot share", -- [40]
	"<m+15 110k>", -- [41]
	"<myth jailer&syl+mounts>", -- [42]
	"<private group> offering", -- [43]
	"<pvp boost also>", -- [44]
	"<sylvanas & jailer mount", -- [45]
	"<top eu guild>", -- [46]
	"<wts> fated hc", -- [47]
	">>guild team<<", -- [48]
	"all 3 raids full clear", -- [49]
	"all torghast mounts", -- [50]
	"any armor - any key", -- [51]
	"armor stack , specific key possible", -- [52]
	"armor stack and specific key is available", -- [53]
	"armor stack choose key", -- [54]
	"armor stack+ specific key", -- [55]
	"armor stacks, specific keys", -- [56]
	"armor trader and free specific key", -- [57]
	"big discount for buying 4xrun bundle", -- [58]
	"bundles are available <ksm>", -- [59]
	"discount for multi run", -- [60]
	"discount for multi runs", -- [61]
	"discount for multiruns", -- [62]
	"discount multi run", -- [63]
	"discount on multi runs", -- [64]
	"discount on multiple runs", -- [65]
	"discount price for multi runs", -- [66]
	"fast runs, bulk discounts", -- [67]
	"fated hc <200k>", -- [68]
	"fated hc full run 150k", -- [69]
	"free armor stack", -- [70]
	"free armor trader", -- [71]
	"free armorstack", -- [72]
	"free armorstack & special df", -- [73]
	"friend group offering", -- [74]
	"friendly guild [wts]", -- [75]
	"friends group offering", -- [76]
	"full 10/10 hc 450k", -- [77]
	"full clear fated", -- [78]
	"full clear limited traders available", -- [79]
	"full run with limited traders", -- [80]
	"group of friends wts", -- [81]
	"guild [wts] 11/11 fated", -- [82]
	"guild group  offering", -- [83]
	"guild group [wts]", -- [84]
	"guild group offer", -- [85]
	"guild group offering", -- [86]
	"guild group offering mythic", -- [87]
	"guild group offers", -- [88]
	"guild group selling", -- [89]
	"guild group selling heroic", -- [90]
	"guild group wts", -- [91]
	"guild group> mw", -- [92]
	"guild offering", -- [93]
	"guild offerring", -- [94]
	"guild offers ksm", -- [95]
	"guild party [wts]", -- [96]
	"guild run wts", -- [97]
	"guild run wts heroic", -- [98]
	"guild selling <m+0 up to +22>", -- [99]
	"guild sells fated", -- [100]
	"guild team [wts]", -- [101]
	"guild team offering", -- [102]
	"guild team wts", -- [103]
	"guild wts fated", -- [104]
	"guild wts m +15", -- [105]
	"guild wts mm+15", -- [106]
	"guild wts mythic", -- [107]
	"guilds offer", -- [108]
	"guıld wts vip trader", -- [109]
	"hc kills going all day!", -- [110]
	"intime with free armor trader", -- [111]
	"ksh-ksm", -- [112]
	"ksm bundle", -- [113]
	"last chance for jailer mount before patch", -- [114]
	"local guild wts", -- [115]
	"m+10-15 timed and weekly runs", -- [116]
	"m+10-31", -- [117]
	"m+15-24 timed and weekly runs", -- [118]
	"message me for a booking", -- [119]
	"min! / sylvanas & jailer mythic + mount", -- [120]
	"multi run discount", -- [121]
	"multie runs is discount", -- [122]
	"multiple run discount", -- [123]
	"mythic guild offers", -- [124]
	"mythic guild wts", -- [125]
	"mythic jailer&syl+mounts", -- [126]
	"offer guıld  wts", -- [127]
	"offering >>m+<", -- [128]
	"offering hc", -- [129]
	"offering jailer", -- [130]
	"preamde group offering", -- [131]
	"premade group offering", -- [132]
	"premade offering m+15", -- [133]
	"premade team offering", -- [134]
	"private group sells", -- [135]
	"private team offering", -- [136]
	"raid hc/mythic spots available", -- [137]
	"raids on hc and every hour", -- [138]
	"selling 3x fated raids", -- [139]
	"selling <fated hc full run", -- [140]
	"selling mythic plus keys", -- [141]
	"selling || fated hc full run", -- [142]
	"specific armor/key", -- [143]
	"specific key and armor stack available", -- [144]
	"specific keys+armor stack", -- [145]
	"sylv offering", -- [146]
	"sylvanas & jailer mythic mount", -- [147]
	"sylvanas mythic mount", -- [148]
	"sylvanas&jailer with mount", -- [149]
	"sylvanas+jailer mythic mount", -- [150]
	"team offer 15 timed key", -- [151]
	"team offers ksm", -- [152]
	"team selling +15s", -- [153]
	"torghast boost", -- [154]
	"", -- [155]
	"we are offering mythic dungeon boost", -- [156]
	"whisper for booking", -- [157]
	"with < armor stack>", -- [158]
	"world 60 guild offering", -- [159]
	"", -- [160]
	"wts   raid ", -- [161]
	"wts  mythic+ 10-25", -- [162]
	"wts +15keys", -- [163]
	"wts 10! or a 15", -- [164]
	"wts 15-20  guaranted in time", -- [165]
	"wts 1x m+ 15", -- [166]
	"wts \\ m+15", -- [167]
	"wts arena boost", -- [168]
	"wts boost m+15", -- [169]
	"wts fated sepulcher", -- [170]
	"wts full hc runs", -- [171]
	"wts guild group!", -- [172]
	"wts hc raids", -- [173]
	"wts heroic fated", -- [174]
	"wts m+ 15", -- [175]
	"wts m+ in time", -- [176]
	"wts mythic +15", -- [177]
	"||team offering||", -- [178]