


[Feature Request] "Recent"-functionality added to categories

repsejnworb opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What version(s) of WoW are you using?


What problem are you experiencing that led to you asking for this feature?

Basically I am having a headache trying to balance categories and priorities to make it easy to dump items after transmog runs of old raids.

Catch-all things like filtering by expansion etc, fighting over BoE categories, fighting against "oh but this vanilla item is of great value to me!.." etc etc.

As for now I've settled for a workaround where I set the timer of "Recent(auto)" to 60m before a transmog run, but that had me think of a solution that would fit my case (and many other cases I came up with as well) real well:

What solution would you like?

  • Add Recent(timer=[15s-Forever]) as an option to a category
  • Expand the range of the timer for Recent to allow a bit more granularity between 60m and Forever
  • Have Recent(auto) work as before, but any Recent-category with a more finegrained match takes precedent until that ones timer times out, then the item pops up the Recent-chain or into the category matching it for "long-term storage"

Any alternatives you can think of?

Wouldn't completely sort my original usecase that I try to solve, but I initially thought of having Source-filter with support for filtering for raids and dungeon sources.

Anything else?

I love you and Baganator <3


No plans to add this. The simplicity of the current setup is preferred.