


Lua error

ZodPTR opened this issue ยท 3 comments


What version(s) of WoW are you using?


What version of Baganator?


What version of Syndicator?


What isn't working? What was supposed to happen?

Message: ...erface/AddOns/Baganator/ItemViewCommon/Utilities.lua:245: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
Time: Sat Oct 5 08:59:54 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...erface/AddOns/Baganator/ItemViewCommon/Utilities.lua:245: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Baganator/ItemViewCommon/Utilities.lua"]:245: in function <...erface/AddOns/Baganator/ItemViewCommon/Utilities.lua:234>

Locals: self = Button {
IconOverlay = Texture {
AugmentBorderAnim = AnimationGroup {
showMatchHighlight = true
icon = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameIconTexture {
HighlightTexture = Texture {
IconQuestTexture = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameIconQuestTexture {
itemContextMatchResult = 3
PushedTexture = Texture {
cornerPlugins =

Count = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameCount {
flashAnim = AnimationGroup {
searchOverlay = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameSearchOverlay {
IconOverlay2 = Texture {
timeSinceUpgradeCheck = 0
newitemglowAnim = AnimationGroup {
JunkIcon = Texture {
ExtendedSlot = Texture {
BattlepayItemTexture = Texture {
NewItemTexture = Texture {
flash = Texture {
AugmentBorderAnimTexture = Texture {
UpgradeIcon = Texture {
NormalTexture = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameNormalTexture {
IconBorder = Texture {
Cooldown = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameCooldown {
widgetContainer = Frame {
ItemContextOverlay = Texture {
BagIndicator = Texture {
Stock = Baganator_SingleViewBankViewFrameStock {
SlotBackground = Texture {
cursorType = "item"
itemID = 225671
usageChecks =
sortOrder =
checks =
sortedBagIDs =
1 = 13
2 = 16
3 = 15
4 = 14
5 = 17
currentCharacterBags =
1 =
2 =
backupBagID = nil
(for state) =
1 = 13
2 = 16
3 = 15
4 = 14
5 = 17
(for control) = 2
_ = 2
bagID = 16
bag = nil
addonTable =
InventoryTracking =
WagoAnalytics =
Locales =
json =
NewItems = Frame {
Constants =
Transfers =
ItemViewCommon =
Help =
SlashCmd =
Skins =
BagTransfers =
sortItemFieldMap =
ViewManagement =
SingleViews =
ItemButtonUtil =
CustomiseDialog =
Core =
Config =
Search =
CallbackRegistry =
CategoryViews =
Utilities =
Sorting =
bagIndexes =
1 = 13
2 = 14
3 = 15
4 = 16
5 = 17

Are you experiencing any lua errors

No response

Anything else?

No response


if I saw it correctly, I moved an item from my bag to the bank and not specifically to that slot, but between the two bank slots


When did this error trigger/what did you do just beforehand?