


Equipping gear with bags open causes category titles to vanish

WanderingFox opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What version(s) of WoW are you using?


What version of Baganator?


What version of Syndicator?


What isn't working? What was supposed to happen?

Equipping a piece of gear (either via gear set or right clicking in bags) causes all of the category titles to vanish if your bags were open. They reappear upon closing and re-opening your bags.


vs how it should look normally


Are you experiencing any lua errors

1x Baganator/CategoryViews/BagLayout.lua:267: attempt to index local 'current' (a nil value)
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/BagLayout.lua"]:267: in function `Display'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/BagLayout.lua"]:491: in function `callback'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategorySort.lua"]:48: in function `SortResults'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategorySort.lua"]:31: in function `ApplySorts'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/BagLayout.lua"]:484: in function `callback'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategoryGrouping.lua"]:424: in function `GroupingResults'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategoryGrouping.lua"]:374: in function `ApplyGroupings'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/BagLayout.lua"]:483: in function `callback'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategoryFilter.lua"]:141: in function `DoSearch'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategoryFilter.lua"]:177: in function `DoSearch'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategoryFilter.lua"]:177: in function `DoSearch'
[string "@Baganator/CategoryViews/CategoryFilter.lua"]:177: in function `DoSearch'
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:144: in function <...eBlizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua:143>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:147: in function `TriggerEvent'
[string "@Baganator/ItemViewCommon/NewItemsTracking.lua"]:90: in function <Baganator/ItemViewCommon/NewItemsTracking.lua:64>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:144: in function <...eBlizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua:143>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLBase/CallbackRegistry.lua"]:147: in function `TriggerEvent'
[string "@Syndicator/Tracking/BagCache.lua"]:302: in function `FireBagChange'
[string "@Syndicator/Tracking/BagCache.lua"]:410: in function <Syndicator/Tracking/BagCache.lua:285>

self = Frame {
 CategorySort = Frame {
 labelsPool = <table> {
 dividerPool = <table> {
 updatedBags = <table> {
 sectionButtonPool = <table> {
 notShown = <table> {
 CategoryFilter = Frame {
 state = <table> {
 CategoryGrouping = Frame {
 composed = <table> {
 ItemsPreparation = Frame {
bagWidth = 14
bagIndexes = <table> {
 1 = 0
 2 = 1
 3 = 2
 4 = 3
 5 = 4
 6 = 5
bagTypes = <table> {
 1 = 0
 2 = 0
 3 = 0
 4 = 0
 5 = 0
 6 = "reagentBag"
composed = <table> {
 searches = <table> {
 details = <table> {
 prioritisedSearches = <table> {
 categoryKeys = <table> {
 section = <table> {
emptySlotsOrder = <table> {
 1 = 0
 2 = "reagentBag"
emptySlotsByType = <table> {
 0 = <table> {
 reagentBag = <table> {
bagWidth = 14
sideSpacing = 8
topSpacing = 7
container = Baganator_CategoryViewBackpackViewFrame {
 TitleContainer = Frame {
 TopButtons = <table> {
 ScrollBar = Frame {
 AllButtons = <table> {
 ToggleBagSlotsButton = Button {
 lastCharacter = "Marroc-WyrmrestAccord"
 isGrouping = false
 CurrencyButton = Button {
 Bg = Baganator_CategoryViewBackpackViewFrameBg {
 NineSlice = Frame {
 TransferButton = Button {
 ToggleGuildBankButton = Button {
 confirmTransferAllDialogName = "addonTable.ConfirmTransferAll_Baganator_CategoryViewBackpackViewFrame"
 backgroundButton = Button {
 ScrollBox = Frame {
 isLive = true
 liveItemButtonPool = <table> {
 tabsSetup = true
 numTabs = 5
 ScrollChild = Frame {
 searchToApply = true
 liveCharacter = "Marroc-WyrmrestAccord"
 LayoutManager = Frame {
 CachedLayouts = <table> {
 LiveLayouts = <table> {
 sortManager = Frame {
 SortButton = Button {
 added = true
 splitStacksDueToTransfer = false
 tabsPool = <table> {
 CurrencyWidget = Frame {
 Tabs = <table> {
 Anchor = Frame {
 BagSlots = Frame {
 ButtonVisibility = Frame {
 SearchWidget = Frame {
 ToggleAllCharacters = Button {
 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate"
 ToggleBankButton = Button {
 AllFixedButtons = <table> {
 CustomiseButton = Button {
 Inset = Baganator_CategoryViewBackpackViewFrameInset {
 Container = Frame {
 PortraitContainer = Frame {
 TopTileStreaks = Texture {
 CloseButton = Baganator_CategoryViewBackpackViewFrameCloseButton {
 transferManager = Frame {
 selectedTab = 1
layoutCount = 25
start2 = 1883630071.736100
emptyDetails = <table> {
 type = "category"
 source = "default_special_empty"
 label = "Empty"
 emptySlots = true
 auto = true
 search = "________34"
 section = "Main"
 any = true
 results = <table> {
splitEmpty = nil
hidden = <table> {
 Meat & Fish = false
 Toys = false
 default_hearthstone = false
 default_other = false
 Enchanting = false
 Potions = false
 Elemental = false
 2 = false
 Fishing = false
 Gems = false
 7 = false
 New Category = false
 9 = false
 8 = false
 Main = false
 Quest / Pets = false
 13 = false
 11 = false
 Pet Tokens = false
 Other = false
 17 = false
 15 = false
 12 = false
 Utility = false
 5 = false
 6 = false
 4 = false
 14 = false
 default_food = false
 Runes = false
 default_reagent = false
 default_consumable = false
 Herbs = false
 1 = false
 Consumables = false
 Pet = false
 default_tradegoods = false
 Leather = false
 3 = false
 16 = false
 Teleports = false
 Cloth = false
 Ore = false
 default_auto_equipment_sets = false
 10 = false
sectionToggled = <table> {
 Consumables = false
 Misc = false
 Main = false
 Misc Gear = false
 Gear = false
 Trade Goods = false
 Quest = false
 Gear etc. = true
oldComposed = <table> {
 searches = <table> {
 details = <table> {
 prioritisedSearches = <table> {
 categoryKeys = <table> {
 section = <table> {
anyNew = false
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
 5 = <table> {
 6 = <table> {
 7 = <table> {
 8 = <table> {
 9 = <table> {
 10 = <table> {
 11 = <table> {
 12 = <table> {
 13 = <table> {
 14 = <table> {
 15 = <table> {
 16 = <table> {
 17 = <table> {

Anything else?

No response


Thanks for the bug report. I've released v521 which will resolve this issue.