


Omitting silver and copper display on LDB button

tflo opened this issue · 3 comments


Is there any way to get rid of the silver and copper amounts on the LDB button?

If not, then please take it as a suggestion. The silver and copper display eats at least 50px of precious LDB space, and I can't think of a reason why I would be interested in such a degree of ultra-precision.

Also in the tooltip I would prefer to have only gold values, but this is a cosmetic issue, as it isn't wasting space there.

Thanks for considering, or for a hint, in case the option is already there and I'm just blind (as so often),
and thanks for the addon, of course!

– Tom


Thanks for reaching out! I'm not currently playing WoW, so I'm not currently working on this addon. I'll take a stab at this whenever I make it back though (plan to come back for 10.1).


Never mind, currently I don't use the addon. Thanks for your reply anyway.

I leave the issue open, since you have announced that you will look into it. But feel free to close, if you personally are not interested in the suggestion.


Fixed in version 10.0.7-1 (will release this weekend at some point).
