Item quality improvements
WanderingFox opened this issue ยท 9 comments
EDIT: See comment below, there's a helper method that I missed and crafting quality can be done with a 1-liner!
First thank you so much for implementing this! It works pretty good!
Having played around with it for a bit I've noticed a couple things:
When an item with quality appears for the first time and it reuses a frame that didn't have quality the frame does not update until the button states update (something gets added or removed)
(The Hochenblume in that screen shot is quality 2 but it isn't displayed) -
It looks like the overlay frame is generated net new even if one already exists
I was able to fix the second one pretty easily with adding a few conditional checks:
if Baggins:IsRetailWow() and p.EnableItemReagentQuality then
local itemQuality = link and (C_TradeSkillUI.GetItemReagentQualityByItemInfo(link) or C_TradeSkillUI.GetItemCraftedQualityByItemInfo(link))
if not button.ProfessionQualityOverlay then
button.ProfessionQualityOverlay = button:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
button.ProfessionQualityOverlay:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -3, 2)
button.ProfessionQualityOverlay:SetDrawLayer("OVERLAY", 7)
if itemQuality then
local atlas = ("Professions-Icon-Quality-Tier%d-Inv"):format(itemQuality)
button.ProfessionQualityOverlay:SetAtlas(atlas, TextureKitConstants.UseAtlasSize)
I can't figure out what keeps resetting the visibility state of the buttons though. If I toggle reagent quality off and on they all show up and work until the button visibility state changes
Did some more digging and there's a helper for this that I missed! DOH
The whole thing can be reduced to
if Baggins:IsRetailWow() and link and p.EnableItemReagentQuality then
SetItemCraftingQualityOverlay(button, link)
Works perfectly so far in my testing!
One issue is toggling the option needs a reload currently with using the helper since there isn't a call to ClearItemCraftingQualityOverlay(button)
Thank you for this!
Updated: 1e42350
Let me know if you have any other issues/updates.
I don't know if its just the new one liner you posted but I am not seeing the quality for items like gear.
Figured it out.
Apparently item quality only shows in your bags (even the blizzard ones) if a profession window is open!
First image is the default bag frame with a profession open, second is the same default bag frame just after i closed the profession window.
Personally I think that's not terribly useful. Thankfully, there's an override!
This makes them show up all the time:
if Baggins:IsRetailWow() and link and p.EnableItemReagentQuality then
button.alwaysShowProfessionsQuality = true
SetItemCraftingQualityOverlay(button, link)
Which is why it was working for me, I was opening alchemy to grab an item with quality... which was triggering all the frames to update their quality overlays...