


"Unsorted Items" filtering issue

ryannotfound opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I've been trying to diagnose this issue for a bit now and have finally found a way to reproduce it.

As a preface, I've been attempting to duplicate my existing category set to a new profile which has the "Hide Duplicate items" option set to "disabled" -- the performance improvement is palpable.. I run with a lot of categories for organization and the additional passes to globally hide all duplicates causes about a .5 second hang every time I open my bags with the option enabled. Thus I've been trying to reformulate my categories to manually prevent 99% of duplicates, where possible. This has led me to an odd bug with regards to the "Unsorted Items" filter catching items that actually are sorted. I've been trying to work around it but am finally in a place where I can't prevent the duplicate from appearing in unsorted no matter what I do.

To reproduce this easily, you can do the following:

  1. Fully reset a test profile - for my bag layout I am using the "default" preset (multiple bags)
  2. Add a category called "Test"
    • Don't do anything with this yet
  3. Add a category called "Armor-SB"
    • Category
      • Type: Category
      • Category: Armor
    • Bind
      • Operation: AND
      • Type: Bind
      • Bind Type: Soulbound
    • Bind
      • Operation: NOT
      • Type: Bind
      • Bind Type: Account Bound
  4. Add a category called "Armor-BOA"
    • Category
      • Type: Category
      • Category: Armor
    • Bind
      • Operation: AND
      • Type: Bind
      • Bind Type: Account Bound
  5. Modify the existing "Armor" category and add the following new rule
    • Category
      • Operation: NOT
      • Type: Category
      • Category: Test
  6. Jump up to the bag config, and go to Bags -> Equipment
  7. Add the following new sections:
    • Armor-BOA
      • Assign this the "Armor-BOA" category
    • Test
      • Assign this the "Test" category
  8. Modify the "Armor" section
    • Add "Armor-SB" category
    • Remove the "Armor" category
  9. Create any heirloom that is of an armor type (not a weapon)
  10. Alt+right-click the item and add to category: "Test"

You should now see the item in both the "Test" section as well as under "Unfiltered". I would expect that this is not normal behavior given it IS being filtered via the add to category. NOTE that this does not require a manual add to category via right-click menu, but this is the way I was able to reproduce it - I only use this for a couple of items and most of the affected categories are typical filters. I will say that this only happens when I use the NOT operation to filter out items I don't want showing (my attempts to hide duplicates in a section because I have it showing already in another).

Hope this is enough info to determine root cause.