Bagnon ItemLevel Plus

Bagnon ItemLevel Plus


wish: Change itemlevel font size

lucianahanan opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I was here poking with those addons that changes bagnon itens overlays, one of them I use is your addon...

This is very usefull, but the itemlevel is too big and make it harder to see what is the item thumbnail under it.

Could you add a config option to change the font size ingame? Like for example:

/bif font itemlevel 10

This function above would be a great enhancement :)

meanwhile, here is the code I manually changed to have smaller font:


local Cache_GetItemLevel = function(button)
	local ItemLevel = GetPluginContainter(button):CreateFontString()
	ItemLevel:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 1)
	ItemLevel:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 2, -2)
	ItemLevel:SetFontObject(_G.NumberFont_Outline_Med or _G.NumberFontNormal)
	ItemLevel:SetFont(ItemLevel:GetFont(), 10, "OUTLINE")	   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< new line



I changed canImogit icon size, your iteminfo font size, and bagnon_equipment2 icons size. Now they all live together like a charm and I can see what's the background image behind the overlays =^^= Aren't they pretty? :D


Well, on my screen that whole thing is unreadable. But seeing the size of this image, you obviously have a higher resolution than me, thus more clearity on smaller items. Same reason mobiles are so easy to work with even though they are tiny! ;)

I like the solution, though. And I think I'm just going to go with your suggestion here. Bagnon_ItemInfo already has somewhat of a chat configuration, so expanding on that is definitely the way to go.


I want a WQHD 1440p screen too! ๐Ÿ˜†


Larger screens are the way to go :D

Glad you're taking the idea, I'm also talking to the bagnon_equipment guy and the canimogit guy to see if they take the idea too ^^