Bagnon RequiredLevel

Bagnon RequiredLevel


Doesnt work something is overwriting it

Fight4freeTech opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I cant get Bagnon Required Level to work right...
I want to either:
disable BOE text or change its text to white..
get your Required level addon to work but I couldn't.

I have tried:
disable BOE - and play with Required Level
disable Item Info - and play with Required Level
disable Item Level - and play with Required Level
(* all individually)
(* in groups of 2)
(* one of each left enabled) - and play with Required Level
(* all disabled at the same time)
(* reloading )
(* not reloading but logging out and back in...)
(* not reloading but exiting game and starting up again...)
** and all enabled at the same time

but couldn't get your addon to show up at all ...

Any option to change color or make text more visible would be nice
** I just cant see without pressing my face to the screen cause the colors all blur together
** even adding a filter or shading option may help
Its your addon however you want to do it...

I play retail and have these addons

Bagnon_Currencies (*disabled)
Bagnon Item Level
Bagnon Required Level
Bagnon Scrap

(*) original Bagnon package
Bagnon Void Storage
Bagnon Guild Bank
Bagnon Config

Thank You for a great addition to addons hope to see it working soon!


Bagnon settings
Char: Lil
Tooltip Item Count
Flash Find

-Display Inventory-

At Bank, Trading Items, At Auction house, Scrapping Gear
-Close Inventory-

Leaving Bank

Frame Settings
-Display -

Enable frame, bags toggle, search toggle, databroker plug-in, options button, money


Reverse Bag Order, Reverse Slot Order
Border Color (some sort of Grey)
Frame High, Opacity 88%, Spaceing -3, Columbs 15

Frame Settings
Enable frame
-Display -

bags toggle, search toggle, databroker plug-in, options button, money


Border Color (some sort of Yellow)
Frame High, Spaceing -3, Columbs 17

Frame Settings
Enable frame
-Display -

bags toggle, search toggle, databroker plug-in, sort button, options button


Border Color (some sort of Pink)
Frame High, Spaceing 2, Columbs 10

Frame Settings
Enable frame
-Display -

options button, money, search toggle, databroker plug-in


Border Color (some sort of Green)
Frame High, Spaceing 2, Columbs 7, Scale 110%



Color by Quality, Color By Equipment Set, Flash New Item, Color Quest Items, Color Unusable Items, Mark Poor Items
Glow Brightness 49%


Display Background
Color by Bag type
normal color (Grey), gem color (Pink), mining color (dark tan brown), enchanting color (light blue),
herbalism color (bright green, engineering color (dull dark green), inscription color (turqoise green-blue),
tackel box color (blue), refridgerator color (dull almost dark red), Leather working color (dull orange almost red)


Thank you I was unprepared for such a quick response
Okay I got this response from Goldpaw -maintainer of BoE and Iteminfo

But, uh, Bagnon_ItemInfo overrides Bagnon_BoE, Bagnon_Garbage and Bagnon_ItemLevel. Basically the last 3 simply never loads when you have enabled Bagnon_ItemInfo. So any combination of ItemInfo and any of my other bagnon plugins, means only iteminfo is loaded.

I guess I'll have to add this option to both Bagnon_BoE and Bagnon_ItemInfo, then.

So from me... I think (Iteminfo) was interrupting yours as well but... disabling that one made me able to see the pattern of your addon
Just so I am not misunderstanding your addon let me get this straight...

Your addon works
<.If and only if.> gear is wearable by that character
and is above that characters level will a <.item level.> show up
but this also includes usable items as in
Technical instruction (recipes, formulas, ect...),
Items unregulated by specific type... (General Items, Lock Boxes, Baleful Cloth Girdel (wild card), Potions, Elixirs, Food, Scroll of(...), & Explosives)
and some wild cards I cant even begin to understand how you would regulate (I.E. trinkets w/ engineering requirements)

I guess this means that my lv 50 warrior & rogue who go around collecting gear for my alts will not be able to see the item level on the gear when my warrior & rogue either don't wear the gear or are well past the level of all the gear that is being collected???
(which would have been my main purpose for choosing your app)
My purpose is to keep the collected gear and not sell it off and organize by level and then send the gear to the respective alt character and let them filter and sell whats not an improvement...
But since your addon does not do this, what I guess is;
Your addon is doing what its supposed to do

I ask is this what it's supposed to do?


What is the possibility to get the addon to let me do this last step mentioned above
a check box or option to allow Higher level characters or a character which does not wear that gear
to look at <.item level.> from the screen regardless of the limitations of the <.if and only if.> rules from above (mentioned at beginning)?
So I can see it, organize it, then send it out to the respective characters, and make a better choice in what to sell off and keep.

Again Thank You for your addon and your patience
(sorry about all those brackets and periods... the website keep deleting words between the pointy brackets <> and italicizing my comments after the (*) symbol
(if you need to see the requested settings as I have them, I will send them in a separate post/comment as this may be too much and you may not need them now)


OK! :-) In fact, Bagnon_RequiredLevel only modifies the icon of items you cannot use yet.
So what you want is to always see the item level number on the icon of any item, right?


Hello, and thanks for your report.

So in order to reproduce this, I would have to run my Bagnon_RequiredLevel together with any of
Bagnon_BOE, Bagnon_ItemLevel, or Bagnon_ItemInfo?

I am using Bagnon_ItemInfo to display the BOE text together with my Bagnon_RequiredLevel and it works.

Could you please give me a minimal working example with active addons and their settings so I can reproduce your issue?
Thanks again!


Oh yes that is right...