


Suggestion: Looking to have a corruption icon showing on corrupted gear

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Bagnon may not be the ideal implementation since I'd also like the icon to show on equipped gear but at least an indicator in bags will help ensure I don't DE corrupt items. Customizable location for the icon on the item frame would be welcome.


Closing since corruption hasn't been a thing for a little while now.


Up Up


I'm still new to Github so I'm not sure how to link the pull request for my change to get the eye back on bag icons, since it's technically in the WildPants repository and not the Bagnon repository.

Regardless, for now I attached a zip folder with my changes to item.lua that you can drop into \Interface\AddOns\Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\ and you should have the eye back for bag icons. It may be possible to add it to the character sheet icons, but that's a bit beyond me at this point.


Looks good to me (although the gear upgrade arrow overwrites it, I'd prefer the corrupt icon be the higher priority of the two) and I've since discovered that hovering over the corruption icon on the character frame highlights equipped corrupt pieces so that part isn't a huge priority.


Is the upgrade arrow built into Bagnon? It sounds like something from a different addon, like Pawn or Dugi. I don't have upgrade arrows showing up on my stuff.


4x ...face\Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\item.lua:254: Usage: IsCorruptedItem(itemID|"name"|"itemlink") [string "=[C]:"]: in function 'IsCorruptedItem' [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\item.lua"]:254: in function 'UpdateBorder' [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\item.lua"]:191: in function <...face\Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\item.lua:185> [string "=[C]:"]: ? [string "=[C]:"]: in function 'Update' [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\item.lua"]:40: in function <...face\Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\item.lua:34> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\classes\itemGroup.lua"]:124: in function 'func' [string "@Bagnon\common\Wildpants\libs\MutexDelay-1.0\MutexDelay-1.0-2.lua"]:36: in function <...mon\Wildpants\libs\MutexDelay-1.0\MutexDelay-1.0.lua:30>


I've always assumed it was either stock UI or Pawn but I'm mostly wondering if this icon can be set to the highest strata, that'll at least give it a fighting chance against the arrow.


I'm also getting the error gaveer sent but only when I try to view other character's bags, I haven't yet seen it when only viewing the active toon's bags.


I'm also getting the error gaveer sent but only when I try to view other character's bags, I haven't yet seen it when only viewing the active toon's bags.

That error comes up when viewing another character's bags? That would explain why I've never had it come up. I only ever used BankItems for viewing the inventory of other characters. I'll have to test this later.


After some fiddling, I figured out the fix for the error when viewing another character's inventory.


Tested and work 100 %