


Pressing ESC to close windows when in combat bug

Dmeister406 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Running Software (issues missing this information will be deleted):

Addon version: 10.0.4 beta
Server patch:

When in combat, open windows such as worldmap, character info etc, can not be closed by hitting the escape key. At one point I received a taint warning but this does not happen consistently and no LUA errors are generated.


I am also seeing this issue, same exact circumstances.


welcome to dragonflight. taint everywhere. random addons will get blamed.


I don't see how it's a Blizzard bug, it doesn't happen with no addons installed, it does happen with only Bagnon installed.


Can confirm that this is NOT a Blizzard bug, as it only happens when Bagnon is enabled.
See re;levant part of taint.log:

11/30 02:56:50.202 Execution tainted by Bagnon while reading CloseAllBags - Interface/FrameXML/UIParent.lua:3372
11/30 02:56:50.202 securecall()
11/30 02:56:50.202 Interface/FrameXML/UIParent.lua:4022 ToggleGameMenu()
11/30 02:56:50.202 TOGGLEGAMEMENU:1

Looks like Bagnon hooks CloseAllBags() which is called from CloseWindows() (which is called from ToggelGameMenu() ) which is now a secure function in DF I guess.

Bagnon / Wildpants probably needs a rework in function AutoDisplay:HookBaseUI() to securely hook CloseAllBags().
Maye for CloseBackpack() as well.

EDIT: changed format of taint.log lines from code to quote for readability



stop being stubborn.
there is not safe hooking of CloseAllBags, nor that would cause combat taint in any reasonable world.


Issue persists with version 10.0.8. Load in with no addons loaded, escape closes open frames with no issue. Load in with only Bag Brother, escape can close open frames with no issue. Load in with Bag Brother and Bagnon enabled, pressing escape with the character info frame open generated a "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" error in chat.