


[READ BEFORE SUBMIT] Action Blocked/ESC/Something in combat doesn't work

Apocmonk opened this issue ยท 4 comments


This addon for me, will stop escape from working to close windows during combat. I closed down all other addons, but specifically bagbrother the dependency causes this frustrating issue. The issue makes the addon unusable for me.


This happens with not just Bagnon but Elvui bags or other frames due to bugged blizzard code. A lot of bugs are present atm like flyout actionbars that was and still is a bug that they haven't fixed and addon devs had to find workarounds.


I have about 40 other addons and this is the only addon that does this for me. I do also use elvui.



Taint, crashes, actions blocked. It isn't any addon in specific, it's the client. Random addons get blammed by the ingame dialogs.
As far as I know, there is currently no way for any addon to fix this. It's why some mods are even just dead (ex: Dominos), the authors (reasonably) didn't want to deal with this mess.
This is not me saying this. It's every major mod developer.

If some dev can find a solution and prove me wrong, I'd be extremely happy to be proven as such. Send me that pull request! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


In autoDisplay.lua of BagBrother if you replace

self:StopIf(_G, 'CloseAllBags', self:Hide('inventory'))
self:StopIf(_G, 'CloseBackpack', self:HideBag('inventory', BACKPACK_CONTAINER))
self:StopIf(_G, 'CloseBag', function(bag) return Addon.Frames:HideBag(self:Bag2Frame(bag)) end)


hooksecurefunc('CloseAllBags', self:Hide('inventory'))
hooksecurefunc('CloseBackpack', self:HideBag('inventory', BACKPACK_CONTAINER))
hooksecurefunc('CloseBag', function(bag) return Addon.Frames:HideBag(self:Bag2Frame(bag)) end)

it seems to work.