


Is Jaliborc just done?

Blackrayn opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Simple question? Jaliborc are you no longer updating or servicing Bagnon? If no can someone that is in the mod community please take this over or let someone takeover this addon to update?


You found your way here. How hard is it to look at his GitHub profile and see he's been active.

  1. Dragonflight majorly changed the API, TWICE. Once when it dropped, and then again when it patched the 1st time.
  2. Bagnon is not his only addon
  3. He's doing this for free
  4. People have actual LIVES
  5. Perhaps, instead of making an issue to whine you could use that energy and maybe HELP instead of just being a douche.

@nancikennedy ... why are you aggresive toward a simple question? OP wasn't whining or being disrespectful, just asking a question.
Jalibroc has been slow to respond and update things, not that he owes us anything, quite the contrary. But it is a fair question that has been posed in respectful manner.
Eitherway, thank you Jali for all your work. Been using your addons for many years. Give Bagnon some love when possible :)


Because issue systems are for reporting software problems, not a social networking/messaging system. Uusurping a technical tool to ask a "simple" question that can be answered by actually looking at his "home" page is kinda rude. Curseforge has a private messaging system, Jaliborc has a website with a contact link, and a patreon with a message link. There are multiple ways to have a direct conversation on this topic that is as easy, or easier, to find as coming to GitHub and submitting a ticket. If they did that and got no response, the next step should have been to make a post where authors are likely to be found actively participating. Curseforge Author forums, Blizzards UI forums, etc, asking someone to take over the project.

Whether the OP intended it or not, it comes off as a passive-aggressive attempt to shame or embarrass someone into responding. "Is Jaliborc just done?" is not respectful. DMing is respectful. A publicly asked question is respectful when asked like "Are you currently working on a Dragonflight update?", etc. Asking for someone to take over the project shouldn't even be raised in the same should happen after the author either says "No" or declines to answer after a period of time. Additionally, asking that question in an issue ticket is probably next to useless, as the likelihood of the question reaching even a minuscule portion of the mod author community is next to none.

Did I come on a bit too strong, yes. I shouldn't have used the word "whining". I should have taken the time to write pretty much what I wrote in this response. It's not like I have a history with Bagnon or the author. I literally just started using it this past week.


I like your maturity and response, and I would support you on any serious platform. Maybe OP's question could have been posted in a better place and could use some better phrasing, but I wouldn't take it too seriously. It is just a game after all and I don't think OP was being disrespetful to the addon author imo. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the addon :)