


Info not showing even after deleting addons and WTF-files

Bufe opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I have a weird problem.

On my horde server, most information shows correctly like items showing in tooltip for bank and inventory when i mouse over.

Although sometimes does not update.

This goes both for money log showing when mousing over the money tab of the ALL BAGS, as well as items not showing in tooltip, even if it has been cached in bank and bags.

On my alliance server, for the same account, I am unable to see stuff like overview of money on all characters in the All bags tab, and I cannot see any info about voidstorage, bank or even bags if I have an item in there.

I have tried to remove all bagnon related addons and folders, and also removed the files related under WTF for anything bagbrother or bagnon.

I have updated to the very last version of bagnon afterwards, and tried to have it regenerate the bagnon settings...but even then, it still shows no change.

Same chars can see stuff, and same chars cant.

I have checked that the correct options are checked and unchecked, and for all chars the same options are checked, both for my horde realms and alliance realms.

This is frustrating.

How can i fix this?

Mr. Bufe


Could you please post your WTF/ACCOUNT/SavedVariables/BagBrother.lua here?


It was too long to list here, but you can download the LUA's for both accounts here:


Worth 5.4 hit, i did a complete wipe of the cache folder interface folder and wTF folder, and started from scratch with the most recent version (which did not fix the problem when using old WTF/interface folder..

Now it seems there are no issues...but it's weird...i did before try to run it even with fresh wtf and interface folders...

Curious to if it is relating to something in the cache folder...


comment from author of addon maybe?