


Bags don't open after TWW pre-patch

faradriel opened this issue Β· 89 comments


after login in the game as soon as the maintenance ended and the pre patch for TWW started.
My bags just won't open, nothing happens when I click on the bag icon.
I use combined bags, but even separating them won't work if the addon is enabled.
as soon as I disable it, it works again.


yup - same here


same here. i but there will either be a fix soon or someone will have a work around till the update


same here


@grilor i wouldn't bet on it, on DF release this addon was broken for weeks.. better we find an alternative


Well crap. I liked this one a lot lol


you know that asmon video that shows up on the addons page? thats me....i cannot function without this addon...i need a hero!!!!


Bank is also blocked. Turning off bagnon fixes that. Sad news, since my go-to replacement was Combuctor. RIP, Combuctor. I do hope Bagnon gets back on its feet soon though.


Same here. I can not play without this addon. There is no alternative an curse for me.


fixed the errors regarding the latest expansion TWW:

\BagBrother\core\features\caching.lua (GetMouseFocus() -> GetMouseFoci()) \BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0\Poncho-2.0.lua (GameMenuButtonContinue -> button with MainMenuFrameButtonTemplate) \BagBrother\libs\Sushi-3.2\classes\drops\Dropdown.lua (GetMouseFocus() -> GetMouseFoci()) \BagBrother\libs\Sushi-3.2\classes\groups\Options.lua (InterfaceOptions_AddCategory() -> Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory())

Just unzip in AddOns-Folder:

Cool! but now when i close my bank i get this error:

3x BagBrother/frames/containers/bank.lua:20: attempt to call global 'CloseBankFrame' (a nil value)
[string "@BagBrother/frames/containers/bank.lua"]:20: in function <BagBrother/frames/containers/bank.lua:16>
[string "=[C]"]: in function Hide' [string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:1064: in function <...ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:1059> [string "@AdvancedInterfaceOptions/libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-87/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:1849: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1848> [string "=[C]"]: in function securecall'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:1105: in function CloseWindows' [string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:1119: in function <...ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:1117> [string "=[C]"]: in function securecall'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua"]:2842: in function `ToggleGameMenu'
[string "TOGGLEGAMEMENU"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEGAMEMENU"]:1>

self = BagnonBank1 {
SearchFrame = EditBox {
ReagentButton = Button {
Currency = Frame {
bg = Frame {
quality = 0
OptionsToggle = Button {
SearchToggle = CheckButton {
OwnerSelector = Button {
SortButton = CheckButton {
id = "bank"
Money = BagnonMoneyFrame2 {
bagGroup = Frame {
profile =

CloseButton = Button {
Title = Button {
Broker = Button {
ItemGroup = Frame {
MenuButtons =
BagToggle = CheckButton {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'CloseBankFrame' (a nil value)"
Bank =
__super =
Bags =
__index =
__name = "BagnonBank"
ItemGroup =
__frames =
__count = 1
__base =
Title = "%s's Bank"


fixed the errors regarding the latest expansion TWW:

Cool! This includes an option to open the warbank too then?

Thanks for keep maintaining TipTac, btw!


fixed the errors regarding the latest expansion TWW:

\BagBrother\core\features\caching.lua (GetMouseFocus() -> GetMouseFoci())
\BagBrother\frames\containers\bank.lua (CloseBankFrame() -> C_Bank.CloseBankFrame())
\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0\Poncho-2.0.lua (metatables from GameMenuFrame, ChatFrame1EditBox, GameMenuButtonContinue -> metatables from GetFrameMetatable(), GetButtonMetatable(), GetEditBoxMetatable())
\BagBrother\libs\Sushi-3.2\classes\drops\Dropdown.lua (GetMouseFocus() -> GetMouseFoci())
\BagBrother\libs\Sushi-3.2\classes\groups\Options.lua (InterfaceOptions_AddCategory() -> Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(). additionally added scrolling to category when opening options)

Just unzip in AddOns-Folder:




Also requesting an update! There just aren't other bag addons like this one and I dislike the others, esp when it comes to the bank. I neeeed this one! Please! <3




1x Bagnon/src/optionsButton.lua:7: attempt to index field 'Tipped' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/optionsButton.lua"]:7: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Tipped' (a nil value)"


1x Bagnon/src/main.lua:11: attempt to index field 'Skins' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/main.lua"]:11: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Skins' (a nil value)"


1x Bagnon/src/title.lua:7: Usage: GetLocale(application[, silent]): 'application' - No locales registered for 'Bagnon'
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Aanye_XP/libs/AceLocale-3.0-6/AceLocale-3.0.lua"]:134: in function `GetLocale'
[string "@Bagnon/src/title.lua"]:7: in main chunk

(*temporary) = "Usage: GetLocale(application[, silent]): 'application' - No locales registered for 'Bagnon'"


1x Bagnon/src/legacy.lua:10: attempt to index field 'Item' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/legacy.lua"]:10: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Item' (a nil value)"


2x Bagnon/src/main.xml:4 Couldn't open BagBrother/core/core.xml


2x Bagnon/src/main.xml:5 Couldn't open BagBrother/frames/containers/containers.xml


2x Bagnon/src/title.lua:7: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/title.lua"]:7: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "AceLocale-3.0"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)"


2x Bagnon/src/searchFrame.lua:7: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/searchFrame.lua"]:7: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "AceLocale-3.0"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)"


2x Bagnon/src/searchToggle.lua:7: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/searchToggle.lua"]:7: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "AceLocale-3.0"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)"


2x Bagnon/src/frame.lua:7: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
[string "@Bagnon/src/frame.lua"]:7: in main chunk

ADDON = "Bagnon"
Addon =

Slash = "bgn"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "C_Everywhere"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)"


He hasn't done anything on GitHub in a while ..

CleanShot 2024-07-24 at 15 42 03


Busted addon .. you'll need to disable it just to open you bags.. plea to the devs to fix this addon as priority.. Personal Bank & Character bag and Guild Bank all need to be replaced by this addon .. blizz eff'd those up to un-usable mess


He hasn't done anything on GitHub in a while ..

CleanShot 2024-07-24 at 15 42 03
Add on was updated on the 10th .. dont think he aniticated blizzard overhaul mess


Baganator is a good replacement and its updated


Baganator is a good replacement and its updated

Nice! Thank you


I'm also waiting for a Bagnon update. Tried out a bunch of different bag addons, I just hate them all. I need Bagnon, I can't deal with my inventory and bank without it.


@gythwulf you posted a ZIP here for a basic working version #1903. Could you please re-attach it? The link doesn't work anymore


Baganator is a good replacement and its updated

I was also annoyed that Bagnon broke, but thanks to this comment I found out about Baganator and it's such a mind blowing upgrade.

As someone who's used and loved Bagnon for YEARS, trust when I say go install Baganator and forget about bagnon.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Thanks for recommending Baganator guys. Does everything I want it to. Plus, it doesn't cause that really slight stutter when you open your bags like bagnon does.

Really like that desaturating greys and BOE text on items are built in too. The divider between the reagents bag and other bags is surprisingly effective too for something so simple. There's a dark ui addon for it too, from the same author, that makes it look very similar to default bagnon.



I suggest all to use Baganator as Bagnon is updated once in a blue moon.

Baganator matches all the Bagnon settings:


Does it let you create a Bank link so Incan check my bank in the wild so I don't have to waste my toy cooldown?


Does it let you create a Bank link so Incan check my bank in the wild so I don't have to waste my toy cooldown?

you can "open" the bank/gbank/void storage from wherever you are. the data is saved when you actually visit those vendors/npcs.

just try it, im not the developer, just a user trying to help others


Does it let you create a Bank link so Incan check my bank in the wild so I don't have to waste my toy cooldown?

you can "open" the bank/gbank/void storage from wherever you are. the data is saved when you actually visit those vendors/npcs.

just try it, im not the developer, just a user trying to help others

I really liked it but the only problem is that I can't seem to turn it off for the bank and guild bank


Tried Baganator....a nice alternative.

Two things I miss that Bagnon has:

  1. I can't seem to find an option to use the "Single Bag" view, but with the option to break the bags out. I forget the exact label in Bagnon, but it was still one view but where the bags had a separator. That always helped me to organize.
  2. I don't see an option to NOT use Baganator for the Guild Bank. I'll have to tinker some with Baganator for the guild bank, but I had that off in Bagnon, preferring to use the Blizzard view for Guild Bank.

In any case, thanks for the suggestion! I can adjust around the above if Bagnon isn't going to be updated.


Tried Baganator....a nice alternative.

Two things I miss that Bagnon has:

1. I can't seem to find an option to use the "Single Bag" view, but with the option to break the bags out.   I forget the exact label in Bagnon, but it was still one view but where the bags had a separator.   That always helped me to organize.

2. I don't see an option to NOT use Baganator for the Guild Bank.   I'll have to tinker some with Baganator for the guild bank, but I had that off in Bagnon, preferring to use the Blizzard view for Guild Bank.

In any case, thanks for the suggestion! I can adjust around the above if Bagnon isn't going to be updated.

if you find a way to turn it off for guild bank and bank let me know, I would love to keep using it but I need it off for those 2


just chiming in, in case people arent on the discord, the author of addon got on yesterday to say that he will be working on it when he can (hes at work/conference abroad)...says he hopes to have everything working for TWW - ie - it could be a bit


Thanks @stingray66 , this worked for me.

The specific line is:

-- Button = getmetatable(GameMenuButtonContinue).__index,


I made some fixes in my local version and made forks with the changes. I'm not sure if these are the proper changes but everything seemed to be working except for the addon options


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.

Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value
Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024
Count: 1
Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value

i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps


I made some fixes in my local version and made forks with the changes. I'm not sure if these are the proper changes but everything seemed to be working except for the addon options

proper solution, not removing code, but fixing it. It seems like some syntax changes happened.


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.

Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024 Count: 1 Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value

Locals: i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps

that worked for me thank you!!


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.

Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024 Count: 1 Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value

Locals: i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps

the only think that isn't working is the right click to open config


@mestar99 your forks worked perfectly! you are my hero <3


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.

Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024 Count: 1 Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value

Locals: i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps

I don't have this libs folder here. Any clues @stingray66 ?


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.
Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024 Count: 1 Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value
Locals: i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps

I don't have this libs folder here. Any clues @stingray66 ?

I did not have this folder as well. Turns out that way back when wow broke the addon last time I had dl'd another fix. It did not include these specific folders. Uninstall and reinstall the addon from curse and the folders should reappear.


i do believe bag brother is right in the bagnon addon now as i can't find it anywhere. i don't know if i can upload a file where people can use it as i always keep a backup of may addons just in case.


i do believe bag brother is right in the bagnon addon now as i can't find it anywhere. i don't know if i can upload a file where people can use it as i always keep a backup of may addons just in case.

It is in the addon now. I had to delete the addon files on my computer and reinstall the addon from curse. Then I had the correct files to correct.


.i said im not a coder but i got it to work until someone who better qualified to fix it,,,taking a lot of shit because i didn't fix it correctly...peace out


You fixed it for me @stingray66. I'm not having any issues besides not being able to open the options tab. Everything else works.


For people who are not developers or familiar with source control, I took mestar99's changes and added them on top of the latest Bagnon download from CurseForge:

Everything except the options panel seems to be working as stated, though unfortunately I'm not a Lua/addon dev either so someone else will have to look into fixing that. This temporary version should at least tide you over until then if you are literally unable to play the game without Bagnon, like myself.


The author did a great job at making the code complex but it's not clear why.... maybe I'm wrong. 🀨


Ohhh just came here to see if there were any new updates on this addon. I've been using it forever and I hope they will update it. I'm lost without it lol


Ohhh just came here to see if there were any new updates on this addon. I've been using it forever and I hope they will update it. I'm lost without it lol

he author said he will update it but it may take some time cause he is working, but he will, so for now you can use the temporary solutions from others here on the above messages, it is working as a bag normally, the only thing you can't do with this temp version is open the configuration, but what you had before it broke should show up and you can use it till we all get the update


I made some fixes in my local version and made forks with the changes. I'm not sure if these are the proper changes but everything seemed to be working except for the addon options

Quick workaround for the Options

Using the fixes from mestar99
Open ../BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/groups/Options.lua
Switch out line 45
group.category = InterfaceOptions_AddCategory(dock)

local category, layout = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutCategory(dock,;
group.category = category

This is just a short term workaround for the Options it will ungroup the Options, not very pretty

EDIT: I recommend another solution from smallshake below: #1909 (comment)


local category, layout = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutCategory(dock,;
group.category = category

that is awesome thank you!
now we have it working until the actual update, tho it is working pretty well now.


In case anyone else runs into the same issue.....

The above fixes, which others said worked for them, were not working for me. It wasn't until I disabled all other addons that Bagnon started working again. I started turning addons back on in small groups, and through process of elimination eventually found that PetTracker was to blame. PetTracker is written by the same author as Bagnon, so you have to think that it's not going to get updated any faster than Bagnon. So it will stay off for now. I'm not doing pet battles right now anyway.

Thanks to those who posted workarounds for Bagnon! It's one of those must-have addons for me. Baganator looked OK, but you couldn't switch it off for the guild bank, and a column limit of 24 on the bag frame (when I'm used to using 30+) was a no go.


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.

Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024 Count: 1 Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value

Locals: i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps

Thank you so much! I tried some other suggested fixes, none of them worked, but this finally did and now I'm happy again!


This is just a short term workaround for the Options it will ungroup the Options, not very pretty

I think I found another way of making the options panel work, no side effects so far.

In BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/groups/Options.lua, add the following code after line 21 (if not Group then return end):

--Locally define a function removed from Blizzard's API in 11.0
local InterfaceOptions_AddCategory = InterfaceOptions_AddCategory
if not InterfaceOptions_AddCategory then
	InterfaceOptions_AddCategory = function(frame, addOn, position)
		-- cancel is no longer a default option. May add menu extension for this.
		frame.OnCommit = frame.okay;
		frame.OnDefault = frame.default;
		frame.OnRefresh = frame.refresh;

		if frame.parent then
			local category = Settings.GetCategory(frame.parent);
			local subcategory, layout = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutSubcategory(category, frame,,;
			subcategory.ID =;
			return subcategory, category;
			local category, layout = Settings.RegisterCanvasLayoutCategory(frame,,;
			category.ID =;
			return category;

This basically reimplements the function that was removed from the API in 11.0, following the advice in this post for another addon:


Bag Brother is a dependancy of Bagnon and Bagnon will not work without it..this is the error message i get when i try to open bags.

Message: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value Time: Thu Jul 25 15:29:20 2024 Count: 1 Stack: ...ace/AddOns/BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:183: attempt to index a nil value

Locals: i seem to have fixed mine...go to World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BagBrother\libs\Poncho-2.0.lua Poncho 2.0.lua with notepad++ and go down to line 183 and put -- infront of that line...the bags open as they should...hope it helps

Yea but for how long? Until the next update??


I moved on to the addon Baganator. Slightly different, but it works and also have some nice ideas.


I Havent been on in a few days, isnt the Warbank still inactive? Thought the devs hotfixed it the other day to prevent access to it until they worked through some bugs. I cant access with or without Bagnon.


With the workaround fixes, interacting with the warbank tries to open your regular bank.


I Havent been on in a few days, isnt the Warbank still inactive? Thought the devs hotfixed it the other day to prevent access to it until they worked through some bugs. I cant access with or without Bagnon.

It's working

Disable bagnon and buy the first slot for 1k

We do need a button in bagnon to switch between our bank and Warbound, though.


I must have a different addon not allowing me too then. Thank you! Ill try a few addon combos to see.


I updated my post with the zip-file and fixed the error regarding calling CloseBankFrame().

I will look if opening the warbank is easy to implement...

Thanks for keep maintaining TipTac, btw!



I remember how in the DF pre-patch the author cruelly removed all these temporary "fakes"


@frozn - you may want to consider pairing up with @dkrusky (profile). They also produced a patch to get Bagnon working with TWW 11.0.0 client - and they are also exploring Warband support.



for any one who doesnt read the Bagnon discord, the author has posted on there that he is currently abroad for work and will update it before expansion release.

Good to know. πŸ™‚

Then I think will leave it with my temporary solution with urgent fixes to prevent the lua errors and leave it to the author to develop other thinks, e.g. support for warbank.


@frozn - you may want to consider pairing up with @dkrusky (profile). They also produced a patch to get Bagnon working with TWW 11.0.0 client - and they are also exploring Warband support.


I checked all other fixes from Limezero and dkrusky and bundled them into my post with the zip-file.


for any one who doesnt read the Bagnon discord, the author has posted on there that he is currently abroad for work and will update it before expansion release.


Updated my post with the zip-file. Needed to adjust the GetMouseFocus()-workaround for classic compatibility.


@frozn - thank you! And when you have some time, consider creating a pull request with one commit per change / file. You can even use a β€œcodespace” to edit the code live and create commits / pull request without needing to figure out how to do all of that from your PC/Mac. If you want help in doing that, I would be happy to pair up with you to walk you through it (just in case you’ve never done that before).

Creating a pull request will help @Jaliborc get a head start both on resolving the issues formally and introducing Warband Bank support.

No matter what, thanks again for taking the time to compile all the changes from the various contributors. We all appreciate it!


Comparing my zip file against the latest release normally should help @Jaliborc enough to add the necessary fixes, because these fixes from us are only suggestions to solve these issues. πŸ™‚

But nevertheless I created individual PRs for this:

Jaliborc/BagBrother#57 (GetMouseFocus() -> GetMouseFoci(), CloseBankFrame() -> C_Bank.CloseBankFrame())
Jaliborc/Poncho-2.0#2 (metatables from GameMenuFrame, ChatFrame1EditBox, GameMenuButtonContinue -> metatables from GetFrameMetatable(), GetButtonMetatable(), GetEditBoxMetatable())
Jaliborc/Sushi-3.2#19 (GetMouseFocus() -> GetMouseFoci(), InterfaceOptions_AddCategory() -> Settings.RegisterAddOnCategory(). additionally added scrolling to category when opening options)


@frozn not sure if you're in the discord for bagnon/Jali's addons but I posted your bundled fix to use as a workaround before an official release. If you make updates or changes to it let us know and feel free to join the discord to update users there. Not sure what Jali will want to do when they are back but this has been a great help in the interim. Thanks.


Thanks for the .zip-file, I can now run the addon!

I have two problems still, wondering if anyone know's of a solution?

  1. The "trash" items in my bag, i.e greys & whites that are just for vendoring (most of the time) are faded out in a dark grey colour with transparency, making them hard to see in the bag since the background is black. It didnt use to be like this, and it seems it only happens from time to time. I've tried all settings but can't find anything related. Was going to take a screenshot just now to explain it better, but now it looks normal without me changing anything, so i'm assuming it's just a bug?

  2. The warband bank doesnt work for me, when I try to open it I just get my own bank.



Thanks for the official patch, Jaliborc! The game is pretty much unplayable for me without this addon. For anyone utilizing the Warbank, you can go to Options>Addons>Bagnon>Frame Settings>Frame(Bank) and uncheck Enable Frame. This will allow you to access your Warbank without having to constantly disable/enable the addon and reload the entire interface.


here we go again. after the patch now same problem is back.

I just tried to use the temp version from the zip file to see if it would work, but nope....
anyone else?


This will be my last post on the thread.

The author of DBM posted a video on Youtube discussing how old and deprecated APIs were to be removed in tonight's patch. Addon authors have had months to prepare and update their code. The sole(?) maintainer of this addon has not. Many other addons and weak auras will be affected so keep an eye for which tools you rely on are being actively maintained.

Today's errors:

1x [string "BagBrother/libs/TaintLess/..."]:40: attempt to call global 'GetAddOnMetadata' (a nil value)
[string "BagBrother/libs/TaintLess/TaintLess.xml:<Scripts>"]:40: in function <[string "BagBrother/libs/TaintLess/..."]:37>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecall'
[string "BagBrother/libs/TaintLess/TaintLess.xml:<Scripts>"]:37: in main chunk

cb = 110002
r = <table> {
_ = false
an = "Bagnon"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Bagnon"
(*temporary) = "X-TaintLess-DisableMitigations"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetAddOnMetadata' (a nil value)"


1x BagBrother/libs/ItemSearch-1.3-5/API.lua:87: attempt to call field 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a boolean value)
[string "@BagBrother/libs/ItemSearch-1.3-5/API.lua"]:87: in main chunk

Lib = <table> {
 Unusable = <table> {
 Bangs = <table> {
C = <table> {
 Addons = <table> {
 CurrencyInfo = <table> {
 Container = <table> {
Unfit = <table> {
 unusable = <table> {
Parser = <table> {
 OR = "or"
 NOT_MATCH = "not"
 NOT = "Not"
 ACCENTS = <table> {
L = <table> {
 CLASS_REQUIREMENT = "Classes: (.*)"
 PLAYER_CLASS = "Demon Hunter"
 IN_SET = "Equipment Sets: |cFFFFFFFF(.*)|r"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = "ItemRack"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a boolean value)"


10x BagBrother/core/classes/item.lua:311: attempt to call field 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a boolean value)
[string "@BagBrother/core/classes/item.lua"]:311: in function `IsUpgrade'
[string "@BagBrother/core/classes/item.lua"]:232: in function `UpdateUpgradeIcon'
[string "@BagBrother/core/classes/item.lua"]:211: in function <BagBrother/core/classes/item.lua:207>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:99: in function `func'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/MutexDelay-1.0-2/MutexDelay-1.0.lua"]:36: in function <...ns/BagBrother/libs/MutexDelay-1.0/MutexDelay-1.0.lua:30>

self = BagnonContainerItem57 {
 IconOverlay = Texture {
 AugmentBorderAnim = AnimationGroup {
 showMatchHighlight = true
 flashAnim = AnimationGroup {
 __count = 57
 NewItemTexture = Texture {
 IgnoredOverlay = Texture {
 Dummy = Button {
 emptyBackgroundAtlas = "bags-item-slot64"
 Count = BagnonContainerItem57Count {
 searchOverlay = BagnonContainerItem57SearchOverlay {
 NormalTexture = BagnonContainerItem57NormalTexture {
 bag = 2
 __template = "ContainerFrameItemButtonTemplate"
 isCraftedItem = false
 isProfessionItem = false
 Cooldown = BagnonContainerItem57Cooldown {
 Tag = "BAGNON_"
 FlashFind = AnimationGroup {
 __index = <table> {
 BagIndicator = Texture {
 Stock = BagnonContainerItem57Stock {
 simpleilvlbound = Texture {
 __super = <table> {
 __base = <table> {
 icon = BagnonContainerItem57IconTexture {
 Backgrounds = <table> {
 __type = "ItemButton"
 IconGlow = Texture {
 itemContextMatchResult = 3
 HighlightTexture = Texture {
 simpleilvlup = Texture {
 flash = Texture {
 simpleilvl = FontString {
 simpleilvloverlay = Frame {
 count = 1
 hasItem = true
 PushedTexture = Texture {
 info = <table> {
 QuestBang = BagnonContainerItem57IconQuestTexture {
 AugmentBorderAnimTexture = Texture {
 frame = BagnonInventory1 {
 IconBorder = Texture {
 BagFamilies = <table> {
 IconOverlay2 = Texture {
 newitemglowAnim = AnimationGroup {
 BattlepayItemTexture = Texture {
 IconQuestTexture = BagnonContainerItem57IconQuestTexture {
 __frames = <table> {
 UpgradeIcon = Texture {
 timeSinceUpgradeCheck = 0
 ItemContextOverlay = Texture {
 simpleilvlmissing = FontString {
 ExtendedSlot = Texture {
 JunkIcon = Texture {
 readable = false
 __name = "BagnonContainerItem"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = "Pawn"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'IsAddOnLoaded' (a boolean value)"
C = <table> {
 Addons = <table> {
 AddOns = <table> {
 CurrencyInfo = <table> {
 Container = <table> {