


Battle Pet Icons Cluttering Up Map

GnuclearGnome opened this issue · 1 comments


Which software were you running?

  • Addon version name: 11.0.0
  • Client used: [e.g. Vanilla 1.14.4, Retail PTR x.x.x, etc] Retail

Have you read the changelog?
Mark if read. No

Please describe the bug.
With Bagnon disabled, my maps show only the usual World Quest icons, etc. When I enable Bagnon and make no other changes, my maps are very cluttered with many, many Battle Pet icons. I could not find any setting in the Bagnon options that would turn these on/off.

Please describe how to reproduce it.

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Any Screenshots?
With Bagnon Enabled
With Bagnon Disabled

If applicable, please add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Error Logs are Important!
Type /console scriptErrors 1 in the chat and reload the game. If an error window appears when reproducing the bug, please write here the first message (labelled 1/Many) that appeared. ⚠️ By default, the last error message is shown, not the first! You need to navigate back to the first error.


When I submitted this I hadn't realized that PetTracker, which I also use, was one of the addons you authored also. Could this be some kind of interaction between Bagnon and PetTracker? By the way, the Help entry on PetTracker is no longer accurate as there is no longer a "magnifying glass" icon in the upper right on the map to click. Not sure how you would turn the Battle Pet icons on the maps on and off any more.