


lua:24 attempt to call method 'IsReagents' (a nil value)

Fleymour opened this issue ยท 2 comments


38x BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua:24: attempt to call method 'IsReagents' (a nil value)
[string "@BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:24: in function <BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua:21>

self = BagnonContainerItem283 {
IconOverlay = Texture {
AugmentBorderAnim = AnimationGroup {
showMatchHighlight = true
flashAnim = AnimationGroup {
__count = 283
NewItemTexture = Texture {
IgnoredOverlay = Texture {
Dummy = Button {
IconQuestTexture = BagnonContainerItem283IconQuestTexture {
emptyBackgroundAtlas = "bags-item-slot64"
Count = BagnonContainerItem283Count {
searchOverlay = BagnonContainerItem283SearchOverlay {
NormalTexture = BagnonContainerItem283NormalTexture {
bag = 4
_template = "ContainerFrameItemButtonTemplate"
isCraftedItem = false
isProfessionItem = false
Cooldown = BagnonContainerItem283Cooldown {
FlashFind = AnimationGroup {
__index =

BagIndicator = Texture {
Stock = BagnonContainerItem283Stock {
__super =
__base =
icon = BagnonContainerItem283IconTexture {
Backgrounds =
__type = "ItemButton"
IconGlow = Texture {
hasItem = true
HighlightTexture = Texture {
itemContextMatchResult = 3
flash = Texture {
CanIMogItOverlay = CIMIOverlayFrame_BagnonContainerItem283 {
count = 1
__name = "BagnonContainerItem"
info =
PushedTexture = Texture {
PixelSnapDisabled = true
QuestBang = BagnonContainerItem283IconQuestTexture {
AugmentBorderAnimTexture = Texture {
frame = BagnonInventory1 {
BagFamilies =
IconOverlay2 = Texture {
newitemglowAnim = AnimationGroup {
ProfessionQualityOverlay = Texture {
_frames =
UpgradeIcon = Texture {
timeSinceUpgradeCheck = 0
IconBorder = Texture {
ItemContextOverlay = Texture {
ExtendedSlot = Texture {
JunkIcon = Texture {
BattlepayItemTexture = Texture {
readable = false
button = "RightButton"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
IsRetail = true
SearchFrame =
Frames =
Currency =
Skins =
ItemGroup =
AccountMoney =
ContainerItemGroup =
CurrencyTracker =
BankTab =
Frame =
OptionsToggle =
Bag =
LastBankBag = 12
CurrencyTooltipCounts =
Base =
sets =
Name = "Bagnon"
None =
Parented =
Cacher =
NumBags = 5
ReagentButton =
Item =
IsClassic = false
BankBags =
OwnerSelector =
Commands =
SortButton =
LastBankTab = 17
BagGroup =
TooltipCounts =
search = "leath"
canSearch = false
Inventory =
Rules =
guild =
player =
ItemSlot =
SearchToggle =
Title =
Slash = "bgn"
SideFilters =
Owners =
InventoryBags =
BagToggle =
Bank =
Settings =
BrokerCarrousel =
MoneyFrame =
Tipped =
ContainerItem =
AutoDisplay =
Events =
DropButton =
CurrencyLimit = 30
Sorting =
Version = "11.0.9"
(*temporary) = 4
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'IsReagents' (a nil value)"
Addon =
IsRetail = true
SearchFrame =
Frames =
Currency =
Skins =
ItemGroup =
AccountMoney =
ContainerItemGroup =
CurrencyTracker =
BankTab =
Frame =
OptionsToggle =
Bag =
LastBankBag = 12
CurrencyTooltipCounts =
Base =
sets =
Name = "Bagnon"
None =
Parented =
Cacher =
NumBags = 5
ReagentButton =
Item =
IsClassic = false
BankBags =
OwnerSelector =
Commands =


Also happened to me when trying to transfer items from bag to bank.


Nice catch, fixed internally